Prince Phillip - 90 classic quotes to celebrate his birthday (1 Viewer)

The Military Workshop

1st Lieutenant
Jul 31, 2005
HRH Prince Phillip turned 90 and many newspapers have quoted 90 of his classic quotes to celebrate.

A couple of examples :

19 In Canada in 1976: “We don’t come here for our health.”

36 To Scottish driving instructor, 1995: “How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?”

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He's a lovable old gent. When he and the "Mrs." were here in Boston in 1976 for the Bicentennial it was remarked by a local columnist that he looked like he was wondering where his next drink was coming from. Except for the security I could have reached out and touched him.
I love him even at 90 he looks as sharp as a pin. media blows all his comments out of proportion for their own gains. the mirror is not even good enough as toilet paper!!!
I think Prince Phillip says those things and gets away with it is because HE CAN. Many of us like comedians and comedy characters that do that because we can't. WC Fields, Groucho Marx, and Prince Phillip.
The UK has Phil and the US has Joe:D

Ha! You can't vote Phillip out but, both have "NEWZZ" following them around to frame what they said as "you'll never believe what -------said today." Darn that "Australian."
Ask any Grenadier Guard what he thinks of his Colonel. 90 years old and still as sharp as a pin.

Longevity seems to run with the Prince and the Queen's family. As a disinterested "foreigner" I generally like to watch their activities and wish them well.
Yes, have to agree he does look pretty good for somebody who is 90.

At least many of his medals were actually earned, in WWII.

I'm willing (as a disinterested foreigner) to let some gaffs slide as Phillip is a WW II vet as is the Queen. As far as Royals go, a very admirable man was Lord Mountbatten.

Phillip is a man of his time and class. If you remember All In The Family, you just say "Oh Archie!" and let it go.

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