Pter Jackson and Michigan toy soldiers (1 Viewer)

Have to say if he only gets that type of sentence for that amount he is a lucky man. I have seen toe-rags get more for pinching from supermarkets.

Just goes to show how imbalanced the justice system is the higher the amount the less the sentence. For me, there is no excuse lose your business and start again not help yourself to whats not yours.

Sorry, if that offends anyone who knows the guy but, theft is theft IMO
I had to look that one up.

toe rag

"The definition derives from old England where convicts used to tie bits of shirt around their toes and feet as a make shift sock, hence "toe rag" means scoundrel, criminal, thief, indecent/unlawful person etc. It is sometimes seen as Tow Rag because the original context has long since been obsolete.

"Come back with my wallet you little toe rag"
Personally I've always been in favour of the death penalty for all offences from overdue library books upwards, but many of my friends think I am just an old softy. Trooper
Personally I've always been in favour of the death penalty for all offences from overdue library books upwards, but many of my friends think I am just an old softy. Trooper

Over due library books, and you only want the death penalty! Your friend are right!:D

I think drawing and quartering is more appropriate for overdue books :eek:
I think what makes this story hit home is that many here have dealt with Michtoy. I go to their website alot because they have so much stuff.I even sold him a couple sets a few years back,Talked to him on the phone once.If this was someone in another business that we know nothing of we wouldn't have the feeling of sorrow for him even though he's done something bad.
Does this spell the end then of Old Northwest Trading Company which Berry owns?
Personally I've always been in favour of the death penalty for all offences from overdue library books upwards, but many of my friends think I am just an old softy. Trooper

Quite right. I was reading the New Yorker, and there was this one comic about new reality shows of 2011; one was about what librarian could be quieter and in lew of offending anyone I will leave out the rest :) How 'boat being crushed to death by books? That good? :D
Re: Peter Jackson and Michigan toy soldiers

I did not know Peter Jackson was a collector! That does make this crime a bit embarrassing, as I would think that honor among collectors would keep embezzlement out of this business, Mr. Jackson had trust in his purchases from a reputable dealer. I think we all lost on this one, I wonder if we can expect a movie anytime soon, or Peter might just pack up his figures and we will never see them grace the big screen.

Hey anyone remember John Bormann’s movie Hope and Glory about the battle of Britain from the receiving end of the ground, had some treasured Britain’s in the first scene, if I remember right.

This subject has been covered in great depth in the "Interesting news from Detroit" thread on the General Toy Soldier discussion section. Sentence expected to be a year to eighteen months, not the first instance of credit card fraud, and opinion greatly divided between sympathy and outrage. Trooper
I think what makes this story hit home is that many here have dealt with Michtoy. I go to their website alot because they have so much stuff.I even sold him a couple sets a few years back,Talked to him on the phone once.If this was someone in another business that we know nothing of we wouldn't have the feeling of sorrow for him even though he's done something bad.
That is true Mark, it is sad news and a sad commentary on the times. The amount is really irrelevent and simply a fact of who the card happened to belong too and how deep the hole must have become that led to this.
This subject has been covered in great depth in the "Interesting news from Detroit" thread on the General Toy Soldier discussion section. Sentence expected to be a year to eighteen months, not the first instance of credit card fraud, and opinion greatly divided between sympathy and outrage. Trooper

Thank you for noting this, I was about to, when I saw the thread. One thread seems sufficient, and it's a bit of a dead horse at this point.


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