blade: #11 Xacto
glue: I use Loctite super glue gel control
putty: ProCreate (gray stuff), Kneadatite (green stuff) are the best I have found. Haven't tried Aves yet.
I have changed to mostly ProCreate in recent years, but you can see some of my older green stuff sculpts on this website (that I need to update with new sculpts...) - Some of these are 28mm figures, but there is one 60mm fig as well. I now am also doing many plastic 54-60mm conversions on Conte, TSSD, and other range figures.
Heads: JD Miniatures made some fantastic 60mm heads, but they are out of business. I sometimes will create quick molds of existing heads I have using Instant Mold (very easy to use and reusable) and then sculpt on changes to the face to make it unique. Hornet Models have many 54mm heads as well. You could also sculpt your own heads using a stock head for reference and then use Instant Mold to make copies and change them a bit for uniqueness.
Kind regards,