Question on resculpting/converting figures (2 Viewers)


Dec 5, 2015
I'm interested in resculpting/converting some TSSD and Paragon US Cavalry figures. My question is this... what do you recommend for a good knife, glue, and putty? I'm considering purchasing an X-Acto #15 saw-toothed knife, but as far as glue and putty is concerned, I'm clueless.
You'll want a Nr 11 blade, whether from X-Acto or another maker. Actually, you'll want a supply of them. For cutting softer plastic, it'll work fine. The razor saw is also good to have.

Good cyanoacrylate glue, aka CA glue or super glue, will serve you well.

As for putty, I prefer 2-part epoxy putty, like Aves Apoxie Sculpt, but others will have their own favorites, too.

Hope that helps, prosit!
Knife: I have several types that I use. Most common is the #11 blade, it's a good general purpose tool. I also like the Olfa craft knife. I have a number of different knife handles with different types of blades to get cuts made or to remove equipment.

Glue: for general fixing I use ACC ("super glue") - usually a medium viscosity "hobby" glue, not the runny stuff from the drugstore. For major gluing (arms, body halves, etc I prefer 5-minute epoxy. Just be aware that epoxy expands slightly during curing.

Fillers ("putty") - first choice (for me) is Kneadatite two part epoxy filler. Good working time, fully hard after about 24hrs. No odor. Can be smoothed with a wet finger (takes some practice). PVA ("Elmers Glue") can also be used to fill small cracks. I have other fillers that I have used, but the previous ones and ACC are the primary fillers I use.

Razor saw - essential to making large cuts (cutting a body in half, etc)

Small hobby drill - very helpful for adding pins to support your surgeries. For heads, arms, legs, and other major parts that need strength you need to provide support as no home cements will hold without some support. I drill holes in each parts then add a "pin" from small wire. I used to use brass wire from Detail Associates but their prices spiked over the last couple years, so I have gone to phosphor-bronze wire from Tichy Train Group. I have a Dremel motor tool that throttles down pretty well and I have a drill chuck from Micro Mark (really a GREAT source for hobby tools). That speeds up the process, but a decent pin vise can be found for about $10.

Look at the inventory of tools and supplies, then people wonder why I charge to convert figures!

Gary B.
Waverly, NE
I've been using Tamiya model putty for years and never had an issue with it, apart from it drying a little before I used it... and yeah, the razor saw blade for X-Acto knives is an absolute must-have.
Thanks for the responses!

Now a quick follow-on question...

I want to replace the stock heads on several TSSD figures in question with alternate, bare heads. Does anyone know of a source for spare heads, etc?
blade: #11 Xacto

glue: I use Loctite super glue gel control

putty: ProCreate (gray stuff), Kneadatite (green stuff) are the best I have found. Haven't tried Aves yet.

I have changed to mostly ProCreate in recent years, but you can see some of my older green stuff sculpts on this website (that I need to update with new sculpts...) - Some of these are 28mm figures, but there is one 60mm fig as well. I now am also doing many plastic 54-60mm conversions on Conte, TSSD, and other range figures.

Heads: JD Miniatures made some fantastic 60mm heads, but they are out of business. I sometimes will create quick molds of existing heads I have using Instant Mold (very easy to use and reusable) and then sculpt on changes to the face to make it unique. Hornet Models have many 54mm heads as well. You could also sculpt your own heads using a stock head for reference and then use Instant Mold to make copies and change them a bit for uniqueness.

Kind regards,
Hi Jon,

Your work is absolutely incredible... Really enjoyed browsing through your website.

Do you know if the heads offered by Hornet Models scale well with TSSD?

blade: #11 Xacto

glue: I use Loctite super glue gel control

putty: ProCreate (gray stuff), Kneadatite (green stuff) are the best I have found. Haven't tried Aves yet.

I have changed to mostly ProCreate in recent years, but you can see some of my older green stuff sculpts on this website (that I need to update with new sculpts...) - Some of these are 28mm figures, but there is one 60mm fig as well. I now am also doing many plastic 54-60mm conversions on Conte, TSSD, and other range figures.

Heads: JD Miniatures made some fantastic 60mm heads, but they are out of business. I sometimes will create quick molds of existing heads I have using Instant Mold (very easy to use and reusable) and then sculpt on changes to the face to make it unique. Hornet Models have many 54mm heads as well. You could also sculpt your own heads using a stock head for reference and then use Instant Mold to make copies and change them a bit for uniqueness.

Kind regards,
...I drill holes in each parts then add a "pin" from small wire. I used to use brass wire from Detail Associates but their prices spiked over the last couple years, so I have gone to phosphor-bronze wire from Tichy Train Group...

I salvage the wire handles from Chinese takeout containers, and use that for pinning, for things like head-to-neck or arm-to-shoulder joins. For finer joins, I use straight pins.

Others here have noted using old paper clips, too.

I use a pin vise instead of my Dremel, to drill holes for pinning. I've found that it's too easy to slip and damage either the drill bit, or the piece, using the rotary tool. Drilling by hand only takes a little longer, and it allows me more control.

Thanks for the kind words.

I believe Hornet heads are more true 54mm scale unfortunately and TSSD figures/heads are 60mm (on the larger side). You could get a single pack and try them out to see how they fit.

Kind regards,

Hi Jon,

Your work is absolutely incredible... Really enjoyed browsing through your website.

Do you know if the heads offered by Hornet Models scale well with TSSD?
Here is an old thread I did on this subject way back now. There are a few threads on converting plastic figures on here with a lot of different ideas on the subject and a lot of different approaches,I suggest trying different approaches and tools and see what works best for you! search back and you,ll find a lot on this subject and some nice work and different points of view on the subject.
Here are a bunch of treads of my work, I explain some of the work in the treads and add rough stage photos and the work in stages in most, might help with ideas? I know I always liked seeing work of others! So post a few pics and share some ideas! I have not been doing anything as of late but still like to peak in and see the work of others.!&highlight=!&highlight=
Thanks for sharing these threads. Very cool!

Kind regards,

Here are a bunch of treads of my work, I explain some of the work in the treads and add rough stage photos and the work in stages in most, might help with ideas? I know I always liked seeing work of others! So post a few pics and share some ideas! I have not been doing anything as of late but still like to peak in and see the work of others.!&highlight=!&highlight=

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