Questions & Answers (1 Viewer)

Thanks, Andrew. I don't belong to that forum so your link was welcome and informative.

Good post by Andy. But I thought this was hilarious: "Overall China has made the transition from a state-controlled monopoly to a market-driven economy with less upheaval than Russia… and much more successfully for many more people". And then in the next paragraph Andy argues passionately for price controls, the absolute antithesis of free market economics and the hallmark of monopolies and state controlled economy. :rolleyes:;) Not saying I disagree with K&C's business model if it helps keep smaller dealers in business. But as always, if companies get to control the market (e.g. by fixing oil prices) it's 100% okay but they'll scream murder if the government does the same thing to protect consumers.
Here's the post:

Hi Guys,

Well it sure didn’t take long for someone, to pose a whole big bunch of questions for me to ponder over and give you my “tuppence-worth”…

Some of the questions really require an awful lot of answers but I’ll do my best to answer as best I can… in as clear and concise a manner as time and space allow.

China, as virtually everyone knows is the world’s workshop and factory… In the 19th.Century it was Britain… in most of the 20th it was America… today it is The People’s Republic.
Personally, I feel privileged to be at the right time in the right place to benefit from this.
Our company was one of the first to move into China just as it was opening up to foreigners. Being based in Hong Kong I do feel we have a major advantage over many of our competitors (who also produce in China) but rarely visit the place. Myself and the K&C team visit mainland China at least once (or more) a week throughout the year. We see our sculpting team who are based there and visit the different factories we work with.
This, for us, is essential both to closely monitor the work, quality control it and, hopefully, head-off any disasters before they happen!
At the same time we can assess if one factory is having production problems and, occasionally, transfer work to another to open up a “log-jam”.
We also get to see first-hand labour conditions and improvements for the workers’welfare.
It amazes me that some competitors only visit their suppliers once-in-a-blue moon. I personally know of one competitor who has been dealing with China for many years now and has never, ever visited his manufacturing operation!!!

2)Labour, Political, Financial and Personal Problems…
Let’s start with Personal… so far, so good I personally have never had any major problems working with and in China… end of story!
Labour… is getting more expensive. As China grows the workers want and deserve higher wages and better working conditions… They work hard… they are skilled and reliable… and they deserve it.
Political… China’s human rights record is not great but when you are trying to run the most populous nation on earth you cannot always be “Mr. Nice Guy”… However the question that must be asked is… “Are the majority of the people better off now than they were 20 years ago?” The answer is a resounding YES!
Do they have more freedom than 20 years ago? Again YES!
Do they have more opportunities? YES! Once more…
Is their Government getting better? Yes.
Overall China has made the transition from a state-controlled monopoly to a market-driven economy with less upheaval than Russia… and much more successfully for many more people.
Financially… China is awash with money… and much of it is going into building an amazing infrastructure of new highways… bridges… dams… airports and port facilities.
China is and will be a major force to deal with in the 21st Century. And considering it has 1/4 of the world’s population that is as it should be.

3)Production Problems
Richard (of Britains) has already told you of their problems in China. Everyone doing business there has similar situations (to a greater or lesser degree), so has K&C. Perhaps we have been more fortunate in being “on-the-ground” and dealing with some of them before they grew into even bigger headaches!

4)Product Price Rises
China, like the rest of the world, is affected by rising and unstable oil and gas prices… additional raw material costs… and the previously said labour costs. To be honest, prices had to increase however I am modestly hopeful that we may see some stabilizing of all these factors that contribute to higher prices in the coming year 2009.
At the same time we are also looking at where we ourselves can make effective savings while still improving the quality and variety of our product.

5)Reduce Shipping Costs?
If you (or anyone) can tell me how to reduce shipping costs when air and sea freight charges are still rising then… you win the coconut!

6)More Dealers… More Competition… Lower Prices???
More dealers and more competition without effective price controls leads to “Price Wars”. Initially it might be great for you… For the dealers it leads to cut-throat competition… where the “small guys” go to the wall and the “big guys” clean up!
“Price Wars” reduce the dealers profit… the dealers buys less King & Country… King & Country produces less new product… the collector has less not more choices and… we all ultimately lose.
Of course many will disagree with my thesis… However, if they do, let them set up their own company and prove to me (and others) that their business model works better!
But remember before anyone says (or writes) look at WALMART… look at TOYS ‘r’ US… this hobby and business is a “NICHE MARKET OPERATION” that produces a hand-made, hand-painted product in very small quantities. We are not mass-market and have no wish to be a HASBRO or a MATTEL.
And that, my friends is that. I’m sure there will be a response to what I’ve written. But you asked for my opinion and views and that’s what I’ve tried to express as honestly as I can.

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.

P.S. As regards prices the U.S. has probably the least expensive K&C prices outside of Hong Kong… Europe and Australia with their import taxes and Value Added Tax are considerably higher. So, don’t complain too much or the Inland Revenue might take another look at toy soldiers!
I am always concern about Governments who want to Protect Consumers...usually thats not what they are really after ! :eek:
I am always concern about Governments who want to Protect Consumers...usually thats not what they are really after ! :eek:

Yes, less government involvement for everyone. Protect the shores, deliver the mail and leave me alone.

Take Care
I am always concern about Governments who want to Protect Consumers...usually thats not what they are really after ! :eek:
The tendency of any government is to become the end rather than the means; the task of any citizen shoud be to resist than tendency. Unfortunately, that notion generally gets lost in the pursuit of special interests.
"More dealers and more competition without effective price controls leads to “Price Wars”. Initially it might be great for you… For the dealers it leads to cut-throat competition… where the “small guys” go to the wall and the “big guys” clean up!
“Price Wars” reduce the dealers profit… the dealers buys less King & Country… King & Country produces less new product… the collector has less not more choices and… we all ultimately lose."

One small point to make.
Customers like myself in Singapore feels that we have been taken for a ride by one and only distributor/retailer of K&C.
Their prices for some items are way above the RRP as listed on K&C website.
Prices hikes are usually for items that they deem will be v sought after.
They are a monopoly so no other shop in town can make them competitive.

So for me, yes price control is important and should be in place, It should also be implemented so that shop do not over price and kill the hobby by turning collectors away with too high prices.

An example - WS102 RRP is USD105, Singapore Shop is selling SGD210

Thats a rip off!!!
Well I guess we can get rid of the Food and Drug administration then (who cares about drugs that cause cancer or impotency - let the pharmaceutical companies sell them and buyer beware!), the Federal Aviation Administration (who cares if the airlines cut maintenance inspections - the odds the wings fall off on any given flight are still in my favour!), along with all fire departments, police forces, road repair crews, water quality testers etc. Basically everything that differentiates us in the West from a third world country in sub-saharan Africa. Ideology sounds good until you think it through...
Excellent Post! When I see the HUGE amount of taxes taken out of my check every week, I want a whole lot more than the shores protected and the mail delivered.
Excellent Post! When I see the HUGE amount of taxes taken out of my check every week, I want a whole lot more than the shores protected and the mail delivered.

Thats the point - there should be a "whole lot less" coming out ! ;)
Careful what you wish for Ron, the companies that employ you are funded entirely by taxpayer dollars... :cool:
When I take knowledge of some posts, I can only be happy that we (French-Canadians) were abandoned by France in 1763... I don't think the Corsican would have defend our territory (I do not need to talk about 1775)...

Having not being part of the British Empire, no doubts that I wouldn't be actually ruled by our social laws who are protecting us, as much as possible, from selfish individuals and abusive governments...

I would not trading places...
Good post by Andy. But I thought this was hilarious: "Overall China has made the transition from a state-controlled monopoly to a market-driven economy with less upheaval than Russia… and much more successfully for many more people". And then in the next paragraph Andy argues passionately for price controls, the absolute antithesis of free market economics and the hallmark of monopolies and state controlled economy. :rolleyes:;) Not saying I disagree with K&C's business model if it helps keep smaller dealers in business. But as always, if companies get to control the market (e.g. by fixing oil prices) it's 100% okay but they'll scream murder if the government does the same thing to protect consumers.

It seems you are misreading Andy's intentions with regard to price controls. My sense is Andy is not arguing for GOVERNMENT mandated price controls. He is saying that as the manufacturer/OEP, K&C MUST set price levels for its dealers. Dealers then must abide by these price levels in order to continue their relationship with K&C. What K&C cant allow is dealers to start undercutting each other. This leads to problems which he discusses.

Raw material costs are often volatile. And of course labor costs are constantly under pressure - whether in China or Kansas. No suprises there. Andy clearly recognizes this reality, and has built his business around it.

Certainly Andy, like any of us, wishes for lower oil and other raw material prices. But he clearly doesnt expect a government to bring it about.

Meanwhile the rising standards of living in China, combined with the improving quality of the finished product (which has been well recognized on this forum), not to mention currency fluctuations, have all conspired to drive up price points. Makes it a challenge for K&C (and others), as I supect their products have considerable price elasticity.

Certainly a risk is for any company is to price themselves out of a market. Its you and I and the rest of the collector market who will determine that, not a governmental agency.
Careful what you wish for Ron, the companies that employ you are funded entirely by taxpayer dollars... :cool:

NATIONAL DEFENSE is an actual requirement of the US Constitution - not the Department of Education, FDA, EPA, etc..etc..
But their budget often shrinks too in proportion with the rest of the government (the public wouldn't tolerate 90% of the federal budget being spent on the military). Witness the cancelling of the Comanche and Crusader programs not to mention the scaling back of F-22 purchases. If you want small government you'll end up having a smaller military not to mention inadequate care for Veterans etc.
I always enjoy Canadians lecturing Americans on our Government. :rolleyes:

Your facts are so out of wack on the Crusader and other programs which the US Military has canceled there is not enough room on this forum to correct you. To put it bluntly - it had more to do with performance issues than budget.

Look the United States looks after Freedom throughout the World - it is our belief that everyone should have freedom (even Canadians) - what we don't need is a large federal government telling people that "yellow belly snapsucker" is on their land and they can't build a home.

We don't need the government to take care of our everyday lives - we can do it fine just by ourselves - we are Americans ! :cool:

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