Excellent pics Simon and great use of Terrain,you see thats why we have gardens!
I thought it was so the neighbourhood cats and dogs could use it as a toilet LOL
Nice way of getting in some play time Simon and taking some great photos to share. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with the next time you spend playing in your garden....Joe
Chris, What can I say mate. You led and others follow. Now remeber, that next to worthless SF03 Humvee that you've got propping open the kitchen door, the one that's got half of your garden dirt engrained in the tyre tracks, the one that got dropped, broken and repaired......you know that I'll take it off your hands, as a favour to you, any time you want to ship it over here.
I somehow think the US Navy series in to Seal Team Six, might be wishful thinking, but I'm thinking positive thoughts man!
$7000 to hook up to another water supply? Ouch! That's one bill I don't envy you.
Funny, as I was reading through the beginnig of your D Day plans, my mind was already thinking pretty much what your good lady was. Obviously, you wouldn't get the same objections form me though.
Love how you covered the bases so well with dirt, a big effort that really looks good.
82nd AA and BR1 prepare to launch a two prong attack...
Need to hunt down some more locations.