Random shots on a sunny day.... (1 Viewer)

Nice way of getting in some play time Simon and taking some great photos to share. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with the next time you spend playing in your garden....Joe
Nice way of getting in some play time Simon and taking some great photos to share. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with the next time you spend playing in your garden....Joe

Thanks Joe!

As Chris said, I'm now scouring the garden looking for suitable locations for the next photo shoot. Only got a limited timespan though, as the annual British 3 dry days, must be about to come to an end. :rolleyes:
Chris, What can I say mate. You led and others follow. Now remeber, that next to worthless SF03 Humvee that you've got propping open the kitchen door, the one that's got half of your garden dirt engrained in the tyre tracks, the one that got dropped, broken and repaired......you know that I'll take it off your hands, as a favour to you, any time you want to ship it over here.

I somehow think the US Navy series in to Seal Team Six, might be wishful thinking, but I'm thinking positive thoughts man!


Keep the faith brother!!

Well, my township just passed an ordinance that my development's water quality is substandard and we need to get hooked up to city water, which is going to cost me a cool $7,000+. As you can see, this predicament creates problems with the charitable action of shipping you SF03:

1.) Given that I live near some pretty large farmlands, the nitrogen levels are high in the dirt so I don't wish to contaminate the soil of England and

2.) Paying so much money will leave me without funds to ship anything anywhere.

As you can see my predicament, please accept my deepest apologies regarding my inability to further extend any more charity- though I will keep your solicitation in mind :D:D

On another note, spent sometime at the Florida beaches- considered taking my DDay figures down for some natural "beach" DDay landing pics- though not sure Miami's South Beach would pass too well as Omaha nor do I think if my camera were to stray and capture shots of the local wildlife (read as young ladies in 2 piece bikinis:eek:) that might botch the shots. Plus, the wife gave me an evil look when I told her I was considering it. :D


What a guy! Always got my best interests at heart. The soil of England thanks your selfless act! :D

$7000 to hook up to another water supply? Ouch! That's one bill I don't envy you.

Funny, as I was reading through the beginnig of your D Day plans, my mind was already thinking pretty much what your good lady was. Obviously, you wouldn't get the same objections form me though. ;)

$7000 to hook up to another water supply? Ouch! That's one bill I don't envy you.

Funny, as I was reading through the beginnig of your D Day plans, my mind was already thinking pretty much what your good lady was. Obviously, you wouldn't get the same objections form me though. ;)



Yeah- the hookup fee is $2,805 and then I have to pay all the green to run the line out to the pump- not fun- sent the defense budget so far into the red I may ask the government for a toy soldier bailout!! :eek:

That's Mother Nature at her best.

Great idea, great photos, really work.

Love how you covered the bases so well with dirt, a big effort that really looks good.

So cool. :cool:

Not quite as sunny today, but no sign of snow :)eek:) or rain, so, from Afghanistan to Africa to...err...Airfield!





82nd AA and BR1 prepare to launch a two prong attack...





Need to hunt down some more locations.

This second round is even better than the 1st Simon , simply superb. Looking forward to which continent is next and what you will come up with.
I was waiting to see who would start bringing the stuff outside. Get them dirty that is what it is all about......Cool......I did it with 1/6th scals stuff a while back. Alex


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Simply stunning "on location" shots-makes a change it ain't raining:D

Assume you were sitting in a directors chair with a megaphone handy;)

Great photography as well-Darn impressive!

82nd AA and BR1 prepare to launch a two prong attack...





Need to hunt down some more locations.


Ooooh!.....lovely foilage :D;) I see you managed to squeeze this photo shoot into our early summer then.

Thanks guys. Been at it again today, I feel the need to keep the momentm going:D - it's gotta rain soon, will post later.

Got to get the directors chair put away!


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