Ray Rice Trial/Donald Sterling (1 Viewer)


Jan 18, 2007
Anybody follow either of these? Looks like Rice is going to get off either through a pre trial intervention program or a plea deal. Either way, the further video will never be shown in the public record of the Court because it will never enter evidence. I wonder if it will ever leak out as the only copy is supposedly sealed in the indictment handed down by the Grand Jury. Interesting to say the least, but I think if that video shows him assaulting his now wife, there is a serious problem that he will receive in essense a slap on the wrist. If it shows him not assaulting her, then that would be a positive all the way around. Somehow I doubt it, in order for the Grand Jury to up the charge to aggravated assault, that video must so something not too kosher.

ON the idiot owner of the Clippers, He deserves every fine/suspension/ban they can throw at him, but I am not too sure it is ok that he is forced to sell a business he built. That seems going a little far to me and bordering on legality. What do I know though. End of the day, he is probably going to sell the team for way more than its value due to the interest of the bidders. I don't think he is going to get his just desserts, I think his bank account will actually come out smelling like a rose so to speak!

On both of these stories, you just have to ask, what is wrong with these people, both parties are complete IDIOTS in my book?

Yes, Sterling is a complete idiot but I have grave reservations about a lifetime ban and forcing him to sell his team. It's a complete rush to judgment. This is one case where I think PC has run amok. I fully agree there should be consequences, serious consequences, but lifetime? Let's face it. He's no spring chicken so maybe two or more years is like a lifetime.
Yes, Sterling is a complete idiot but I have grave reservations about a lifetime ban and forcing him to sell his team. It's a complete rush to judgment. This is one case where I think PC has run amok. I fully agree there should be consequences, serious consequences, but lifetime? Let's face it. He's no spring chicken so maybe two or more years is like a lifetime.

You know that is a good point, he is an old guy on his way out anyways, they could have effectively banned him with a mulityear suspension.

My thoughts on Stearling. If he was making those statements on a public forum any punishment he gets he deserves. If he is making those comments privetly to a person he knows then so be it. The person he is making the comments to can choose to take offense, but Stearling should not have to answer to everybody and be subject to what "everybody" deems appropriate.
One other thing, the Clipper players protested however I don,t see where they refused to accept their checks from Stearling.
I think for me it all boils down that I hate PC!
Yes, Sterling is a complete idiot but I have grave reservations about a lifetime ban and forcing him to sell his team. It's a complete rush to judgment. This is one case where I think PC has run amok. I fully agree there should be consequences, serious consequences, but lifetime? Let's face it. He's no spring chicken so maybe two or more years is like a lifetime.

I agree. I also think it chills the blood that comments he made in private are being used in this way. It's totalitarian in its impact, in my opinion, that is, the private sphere is disappearing at an ever-increasing rate.

I do expect that he'll sue the NBA over the ownership of the team, especially given his litigious nature.
I also think Sterling's ex-mistress set him up, in a way, that is, she fully intended to get some kind of recording, that she could make public and pressure him because of their ongoing lawsuit. She repeated his statements back to him, just like someone trying recording an unsuspecting person and trying to lead him into specific comments.
Sterling apparently has a long history. He has refused to rent to blacks and made all kinds of outlandish statements in the past. It's not a one off PC situation where he made a gaffe. He is a repeat offender/scumbag. The fact that not a single player, coach or anyone stood up for him or said a good word gives you some indication of how he has treated people. I don't even think he has apologized (although I'm sure he will pay some PR firm to release one). My understanding is that the owners can vote to force the sale of a team and Sterling agreed to that process when he bought the Clippers. He is a cancer. The players were going to walk if the hammer didn't come down. Sponsors were leaving. Fans boycotting. People were voting with their feet. The NBA had no choice. If you want everyone to buy into the idea that America offers an equal opportunity to succeed, then you must have absolutely no tolerance for this type of thing. I agree that might be a slippery slop in other situations, but not this one.
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SO glad someone started a thread on this.

Well, the Sterling thing; as far as the Rice thing, I have no comment considering one of the Patriots players is accused of killing one person and possibly being involved in at least two other murders.

As far as Sterling; he's a fool, he's not all there, but he was set up by this woman plain and simple.

And I agree with some of the other comments; the new commissioner, aka Mr Potato Head dropped the hammer here to show he's boss, very, very excessive IMO.

Not to mention as others have stated; can the league legally force someone to sell a team? Wow, talk about stones ordering that. He paid 13 million for the team, I heard today the price will be north of a billion (that sounds WAY too high for that joke of a franchise, but that is what I heard).

And talk about irony; Oprah Winfrey of all people is in the front on the line to buy the team.

Oprah Winfrey buys a team from Sterling..........pot, meet kettle.

Ok, had my say before this thread gets locked/deleted............:rolleyes2:
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One other thing, the Clipper players protested however I don,t see where they refused to accept their checks from Stearling.
I think for me it all boils down that I hate PC!

Gary...hahaha...very good!

okay...Sterling screwed up big time...

but this is America...and here...you are allowed to say and believe almost anything you want...

the problem is...that his views are not being judged and governed by America...

they are being scrutinized and penalized by the NBA League of owners...and I'm pretty sure there is a moral clause set in place by the NBA that he has violated...

I don't condone anything he says...but freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment of the United States...Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas using one's body and property to anyone who is willing to receive them. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.

The right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and is commonly subject to limitations based on the speech implications of the harm principle including libel, slander, obscenity and pornography, sedition, hate speech, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, non-disclosure agreements.

I'm pretty sure Sterling has violated the morals clause of the NBA League...can he be forced to sell...I don't know...this will be intersting to watch...

on a side note...Donald Trump had a funny quote...he said..."V. Stiviano is a very, very bad girlfriend."
Michael mentioned the NBA owners. There will not be one owner who votes against Mr. Potato Head and not because they necessarily believe he's right but just imagine if the identity of that owner gets out. He'd be finished as well. It's mob psychology at its worst. To use an ironic term, he'd be "lynched."
Sterling is free to say anything that he wants. No one has oppressed his freedom of speech (although they would be doing him a favor). It's not an absence of free speech but too much free speech that is his problem. And the First Amendment governs only restrictions on speech by the government. As far as I know, the government hasn't enacted any law that prohibits Sterling from expressing his opinions. Players, fans, and sponsors have the freedom to exercise choices in response to his speech. And that is exactly what has happened. That is not totalitarian repression but rather the opposite. Instead of buying everyone off as he has in the past, he was been held accountable. And the NBA is a business. If they believe Sterling is bad for business, why shouldn't they be able to enforce the terms of an agreement that Sterling entered into when buying the Clippers?
... That is not totalitarian repression...

I never said it was repression. "Totalitarian" doesn't mean jackboots, torchlight processions and concentration camps. It means that there is no sphere in life that is separate from, apart from, the rest of society. This is similar to the case of Mozilla's ousted chairman, who was forced to step down, when it was found that he had beliefs that many in the company did not like. In Sterling's case, he, too, has opinions which almost everyone does not like. But he didn't buy air time and say, "I don't like black people". He had what he thought was a private conversation, that was made public, and he's being attacked for it. I don't agree with him, and I don't defend what he believes, but it worries me that things once considered private are now held up increasingly as something with which to attack people we don't agree with.
I never said it was repression. "Totalitarian" doesn't mean jackboots, torchlight processions and concentration camps. It means that there is no sphere in life that is separate from, apart from, the rest of society. This is similar to the case of Mozilla's ousted chairman, who was forced to step down, when it was found that he had beliefs that many in the company did not like. In Sterling's case, he, too, has opinions which almost everyone does not like. But he didn't buy air time and say, "I don't like black people". He had what he thought was a private conversation, that was made public, and he's being attacked for it. I don't agree with him, and I don't defend what he believes, but it worries me that things once considered private are now held up increasingly as something with which to attack people we don't agree with.

So it's the fault of society that he made a poor choice in girlfriends? Of course he wanted to keep his racist views private. Do you really think the only time anyone can make assessments about others is through the statements they make on air? That makes no difference. It's the fact that he is a racist that is important. And this is not a one off situation for him. He has a long history of similar conduct.
I distinctly remember reading in an article that he was aware that she was recorcing their conversation...

is that not correct?

The woman who recorded it is the one who claims that Sterling knew he was being recorded and that was after she found out that it is illegal to record a conversation in California without both parties giving consent.
The woman who recorded it is the one who claims that Sterling knew he was being recorded and that was after she found out that it is illegal to record a conversation in California without both parties giving consent.


you're probably right...

I did read somewhere in an early report that he was aware he was being recorded...

and that struck me very strange as he is regarded as an extremely savvy and shrewd businesman...

like "the Donald" said..."she is a very, very bad girlfriend"...^&grin

you're probably right...

I did read somewhere in an early report that he was aware he was being recorded...

and that struck me very strange as he is regarded as an extremely savvy and shrewd businesman...

like "the Donald" said..."she is a very, very bad girlfriend"...^&grin


Yeah when it comes to the recording it sounds like she pulled the old “they told me I could have it defense” when you are accused of stealing. Oh wait you mean you think I stole this? The owner told me I could have it.

Donald Sterling is an idiot. Plan and simple. He is a bigot and a slum lord. I have no problem with his punishment and the actions that have been taken by the NBA.

However, I do have a problem with the double standards that exist. If the tables were turned, say an African American player was recorded telling his girlfriend not to be seen with whites, there is no way that player would be banned for life from the NBA. Or if Donald Sterling had said he didn’t want his girlfriend to be seen with Irish people no one would care.

And as far as Rice v Sterling goes? I would rather deal with racism than assault. Names can’t hurt me unless I let them but a punch hurts no matter what.
Donald Sterling is an idiot. Plan and simple. He is a bigot and a slum lord. I have no problem with his punishment and the actions that have been taken by the NBA.

However, I do have a problem with the double standards that exist. If the tables were turned, say an African American player was recorded telling his girlfriend not to be seen with whites, there is no way that player would be banned for life from the NBA. Or if Donald Sterling had said he didn’t want his girlfriend to be seen with Irish people no one would care.

And as far as Rice v Sterling goes? I would rather deal with racism than assault. Names can’t hurt me unless I let them but a punch hurts no matter what.

Great post. So true and so sad. Sterling is an idiot plain and simple, but that idiot will be laughing all the way to the bank. AND to all the Righteous who have him ousted, I hope you are willing to pay to support the new Clippers b/c with the price that will paid for that franchise, expect the ticket prices to be the highest in the NBA!


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