RCMP (1 Viewer)


Dec 12, 2007
I played in H Div RCMP Pipes and Drums for a year.I`ve been posted ashore for almost 2 years now so I hope I`m back on a boat by spring time.I painted H Div RCMP Pipes and Drums acouple years back and gave them to my father for his birthday.The bands vary from province to province.We did a tattoo in the city of Quebec and we had 2 pipeband from the RCMP and one drum major wear a kilt and the other one had a traditional RCMP uniform.Very sharpe looking with there red serge on(red tunic).
Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

Yes, I was surprised to find out that the full Military Band of the RCMP had been disbanded in 1994. But I have seen several different RCMP Drum & Pipe band pictures. Sounds a possible interesting subject for a band like that for me - at some future date. The red tunics are just about my favourite too.

Do you have any pics of the band that you did for your dad, that you could post Dave?

This is the one that I've just finished - you may have seen it elsewhere - but Im still very pleased with it - so...................

Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

I played in H Div RCMP Pipes and Drums for a year.I`ve been posted ashore for almost 2 years now so I hope I`m back on a boat by spring time.I painted H Div RCMP Pipes and Drums acouple years back and gave them to my father for his birthday.The bands vary from province to province.We did a tattoo in the city of Quebec and we had 2 pipeband from the RCMP and one drum major wear a kilt and the other one had a traditional RCMP uniform.Very sharpe looking with there red serge on(red tunic).

The history of how they got the red tunic ( is it serge ?) is interesting:D
Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

I played in H Div RCMP Pipes and Drums for a year.I`ve been posted ashore for almost 2 years now so I hope I`m back on a boat by spring time.I painted H Div RCMP Pipes and Drums acouple years back and gave them to my father for his birthday.The bands vary from province to province.We did a tattoo in the city of Quebec and we had 2 pipeband from the RCMP and one drum major wear a kilt and the other one had a traditional RCMP uniform.Very sharpe looking with there red serge on(red tunic).

They never seam to learn. Every time they cut a band to save money, recruitment suffers! If you don't see a unit how can you be expected to join?^&grin:salute::
Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

RCMP Bands - I doubt if the uniform is serge now, but the working uniform of the NWMP (ancestors of the RCMP) was - as it was hard wearing and preserved the look better than their dressier stuff. (see history of NWMP ref: in earlier thread).

As to bands being scrapped - thank goodness for old photos and prints! I'm half expecting to see the last post at the Albert Hall played on a harmonica by a Chelsea Pensioner - one of these days.

Yet the head shed of Barclays bungs £9mill-squids in his back pocket (allegedly) - and we can't afford a b****y band? Maybe we should ask them to sponsor one - and put a logo on the Sousaphone bell???

"Band of the Barclaycard Lifeguards - sponsored by Barclays - We Try Harder!"

P.S anyone want to buy an Aircraft Carrier? Grrrrrrr!

( NOTE: must watch the old blood pressure - off for a lie-down now) johnnybach%^V
Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

The RCMP still call the tunic the RED SERGE.The pipes and drums picture is in my Albums plus other figure.There must be atleast 8 RCMP bands now in Canada.They use the old tunics from members of the Force to out fit the band plus the buy there own kilts.
Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)

Hi Dave - Thanks for inviting me to have a look at your RCMP Pipe Band - I had to find it - so had a good look at some of the rest of your collection too. Nice stuff - and lots of bands - we have the same tastes then!!

I think your bands are great. What did you use for your figures - look like Britains?

I think once I have got my list for this year sorted out, I would like to have a go at an RCMP Pipe band too - It can march along in front of my existing Mountie one - with maybe the new Asset Mounties with their old cannon behind. Should look really good in my cabinet like that.

Anyway - thanks for the look at them all - hope you get the ship you want - and enjoy the steak & lobster! Wish I had that to eat when I did my bit - Irish stew was the usual for us!!

All the bst chum - Johnnybach:salute::
Re: Household Cavalry (Royal Horse Guards)


They are a copy of Britians.There`s a guy in the US I`ve been getting them from.I think I`m going to change over to Asset.
Hi Dave - I like both Britains and Asset (and a few others), so I don't get too hung up on just one manufacturer. They can all look good when finished - and I can see from your painting of figures that you will do just fine with them. Good luck with your project.

How about that pic of a Band of Navy pipers then?? I have never seen those as Toy Soldiers - have you?^&grin

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