re:Boom boom (1 Viewer)

Re: Boom boom

:D " BOOM BOOM "--didn't mean Armor, or Artillery, when I was Stationed in VIETNAM! "It Meant something else", you Guys know What I mean! Can't say this on this Forum! But it is DIRTY Word!
Re: Boom boom

Maybe it is something completely outside the box. Something nautical? Maybe a gun crew on a deck of a ship pulling on the tackle to position the gun for firing. Or maybe a fort gun crew defending itself from an English raid on the coast. Maybe a gunboat on the River Nile or on the coast of Italy.

Napoleon had quiet an ambitious plan for the invasion of England. Shallow draft, flat bottomed sailing craft that could mount some massive weapons. Such as the prames that could mount 36 pounders and a 12 inch mortar.
Re: Boom boom

The Collectors Showcase is about to release a product set, so unique, so innovative it will literally push the Napoleonic collecting communiity forward into a realm of possibility never before seen.

We challenge collectors to guess the underlying concept and the set composition. The reward: one of each of the offerings that this never before seen set belongs to.

Could it be as simple as a corp artillery park? With the artillery's spare caissons, supply wagons, field forages and spare cannon to replace those that are lost. This would definitely provide for multiple sets. Also, it could include a company of pontonnier that could build pontoons, bridges, barges and even landing craft for infantry. A bridge train or a mountain artillery train would be a very interesting looking set too. Imagine how it must have looked to see 12" howitzers in an artillery train or even on sled carriages in the snow in tow.

Or maybe CS will do the 102 gun battery at Wagram. ;)
Re: Boom boom

Im going to keep trying until someone gets it right...nobody said we had one shot right?

How about...Napoleon's 120-gun flagship with 10 Inch Gribeauval Mortar
Re: Boom boom

A whole French battery.

The contest has ended 6th Wisconsin is the winner. A new thread that will be started next week will have all the details. Congratulations 6th Wisconsin!

Prize details will be published on this thread after we contact the winner and mediate the prize bundle that will be most satisfactory.

Well done, one and all!

Happy Collecting!

Re: Boom boom

A "whole French battery" is, to quote the hyperbole, "a product set, so unique, so innovative it will literally push the Napoleonic collecting communiity forward into a realm of possibility never before seen"????
Isn't a battery just a bunch of cannons with their supporting personnel/equipment?
Re: Boom boom

Including the horses and livery and making the guns transportable would be in that category.
Re: Boom boom

very few makers sell a whole battery especially with caissons and horses.
Conte did a Confederate battery (three cannons and crews with diorama bases) which I think was very innovative.
Let's see what the finished product looks like and then decide if this "goes to a whole new level".......
As a Napoleonic collect I certainly look forward to this addition.

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