Ready Alert (1 Viewer)

Well done Chris, the tower is the stand out feature. There is everything here, from Tarmac to scenic background. Corgi tsk tsk, but still looks good. ^&grin, Robin.
Chris...the tower does look Eleven Trees the same company that made Zach's tower?
Chris...the tower does look Eleven Trees the same company that made Zach's tower?

Yes it is Mike. Zach gave the web site for me to contact them. Their work is very good.

Well done Chris, the tower is the stand out feature. There is everything here, from Tarmac to scenic background. Corgi tsk tsk, but still looks good. ^&grin, Robin.

Many thanks Robin. Took me forever to make the base. It looks somewhat better in the pics than up close. :rolleyes2: I'm artistically challenged. :redface2: Chris
Great looking RAF display. Love the tower and the new firetruck. Well done Chris
Chris, where the hell is Bobby Lee and Meade? ^&confuse^&confuse^&confuse

Only kidding. great Angels One Five scene you've put together there

Moe, the windscreen is fixed and the canopy over the pilot is removable. Chris
Chris, where the hell is Bobby Lee and Meade? ^&confuse^&confuse^&confuse

Only kidding. great Angels One Five scene you've put together there


Thanks Bob,
BTW, Gen'l Lee is with AP Hill and the Third Corps on the Cashtown Pike in chap 12 of the Gettysburg Chronicles. :wink2:

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