Recent purchase (3 Viewers)

Congrats on those, I really liked them! Email me if your interested in a trade, I have alot of good stuff and can make the dollar trade work in your favor. As far as the CE Figures those are nice too and would have loved them.


Thanks for the offer, will keep for now; They can keep company with CE005's; CE006's; CE008; CE010; CE001 set; CE002; CE003 Desert Storm set; and a bunch of Black Watch. Best, Tom
You're welcome. You really should pick up volumes 1 and 3 of the book, since you collect the glossy, and 99.9% of all K&C glossy figures are depicted therein.

Louis: Wish you would finish Volume 2 & 4!! Love the two out, GREAT references. I don't remember you writing or picturing early LAH glossy?
Best, Tom
Here is a link to the ordering page for Volume I of the book (click on "Author's Bookstore" for Volume III)
Brad, Lawrence & Louis, thank you for all your K&C assistance up to this point. Your email inboxes will start getting smaller...

Item Name Quantity Price
Toy Soldier Picture Books Volume 1 - King & Countr 1 US $140.68

Toy Soldier Picture Books Volume 3 King & Country 1 US $142.91

Subtotal: US $283.59

Tax: US $24.05

Shipping: US $7.99

Total: US $315.63
Thanks for the offer, will keep for now; They can keep company with CE005's; CE006's; CE008; CE010; CE001 set; CE002; CE003 Desert Storm set; and a bunch of Black Watch. Best, Tom

That is an impressive grouping. :smile2: Please post photos when you get a chance. All the best, Lawrence
Picked-up at Hackensack Show - SOHK Papier Mache Buildings

Picked-up at Hackensack Show - SOHK Papier Mache Buildings


Dear Lawrence:

Back in circa 1996 I obtained #4 of the SOOHK building sets shown on the back side of your photo starting from the left. I also got in 1996 the splendid bridge & two dock or jetty sections which caused me to greatly expand my K&C Streets of Old Hong display. My SOOHK display is still my wife's favorite display by far! It would seem that these larger buildings from the mid 1990's would be hard to find now and that you were very lucky to get them.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary
This is the must feel the trip was worthy?

I wish it were me, I wish it were me!
Thanks everyone for the kind words. Yes, they are hard to come by and naturally, I was very pleased to pick these up. It was certainly one of the highlights of the Hackensack show for me. When time permits, I will try to put the buildings together with the dock, jetty and bridge that Gary mentioned.
Happy Hunting everyone!
Picked-up at Hackensack Show - SOHK Papier Mache Buildings


I didn't know these early SOHK buildings were made of paper mache.

From the picture, the buildings look like 3D and not facades.

I didn't know these early SOHK buildings were made of paper mache.

From the picture, the buildings look like 3D and not facades.


Hello Raymond:

Yes, the circa 1995 model buildings are made of paper mache, but are rather sturdy. Also, they are not just "facade" models only an inch or so deep. Two of the six 1990's era buildings I have are a full 5 inches in depth and the other four are just under 4 inches in depth. The facade buildings are nice too, but having some depth if you have the display space is even better.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary
Hello Raymond:

Yes, the circa 1995 model buildings are made of paper mache, but are rather sturdy. Also, they are not just "facade" models only an inch or so deep. Two of the six 1990's era buildings I have are a full 5 inches in depth and the other four are just under 4 inches in depth. The facade buildings are nice too, but having some depth if you have the display space is even better.

"Iron Brigade" / Gary

Hi Gary,

Thanks very much for the additional information.

All the SOHK buildings blend in together very nicely in your superb collection.

Best, Raymond.:)
Well That answers the question for me of whoelse was watching these last ones. I really liked them but I also promised my wife to be a good boy this month and not spend too much...

Great acquisition!

Well That answers the question for me of whoelse was watching these last ones. I really liked them but I also promised my wife to be a good boy this month and not spend too much...

Great acquisition!


Thanks Dave. Please also thank you wife for me^&grin All the best, Lawrence

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