Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers (5 Viewers)

Congrats on finding such a rare wishlist set! I could imagine the feeling you had when you saw the set sitting on the table. Great score and pics-
JUst back from the North East Toy Soldier Society Show...
I was so lucky (in my opinion) today! This was on my wish list for the longest time and I've never seen it in person. Nicholas Cameron of Crown Miniatures (a fantastic guy) had this sitting on his table and I had to contain my excitement! I have always loved all things Richard III. I'm in the camp that he gets a raw deal from Tudor authors, perpetrated by Wm. Shakespeare. If you are interested in historic fiction, I highly recommend The Sunne in Splendor by Sharon Kay Penman. But, enough of that - onto the pictures!

This is The Battle of Bosworth Set:Richard III,Sir John Cheyney,Sir Thomas Stanley,Sir Percival Thirlwall from Grudsky Studio / St. Petersburg Collection #3208-3211
It is four individual figures that go together to make this scene







Funny thing, I got this vignette too. Was my first non civil war figure. I bought it from England a couple of years ago.

Best wishes: Mattis
Those pan style helmets are interesting. I have never seen them done before.
If richard kept his on and found a horse, things might have turned out better for him! {sm3}
This is Princess Anna Comnene from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #6258
I love this figure. In person, she has inlaid "jewels" that really sparkle and I absolutely love the detail in the book



This one probably isn't up everyone's alley, but I thought it was wonderful. Plus, as a good little Jew, how can I say no to Abraham? This one is "Sacrifice of Isaac" from Adama Art. If you are at all interested in any biblical pieces, I can't recommend it enough. I am saving my pennies to get St. George slaying the dragon (what? good little jews need some saints too! :eek: ) (i have Figarti's Last Supper too - i'm all over the place)

Also from Adama Art, This one is Saint Nicholas (no, not that one) and Alexandra. I have to thank Mirof for tipping me off to Adama. I forget which thread it was in, but he posted something about them a while back


The historian Princess Anna Comnene is such a great figure, and a popular one too. It took me a long time to finally get one. Did you get her father, Emperor Alexius I too? Alexius is even more be-jewelled than Anna. I attached a quick pic of him w/ Anna. The detail in the book is indeed fantastic, and check out the detail on the cover of the book too! It features exquisite detail as well - great stuff and congrats on the acquisitions! Joe

This is Princess Anna Comnene from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #6258
I love this figure. In person, she has inlaid "jewels" that really sparkle and I absolutely love the detail in the book



Nope, haven't gotten her father yet. It took a while to get this one. She seems to always be sold out.
Popular young woman indeed!
I too am a fan of the Aeroart Byzantines. I hope that more emperors and warriors are forthcoming!!!
Grenada Battle of Bosworth Set. Absolutely amazing. I've drooled over the drawings on the Grenada site. Looks even more detailed and finely painted than I would of imagined. Wonderful how Grenada puts these battle sets together. Their miniatures, never in stoic poses, they're on the move. You must've been in a state of shock or sensing the unreal when first viewing it. More importantly, you bagged it. Has Grenada gone underground? Always wanted this piece and of course the Joan D'Arc amongst many others from them. Shocking!
I picked this one up at the MCFA show. Thor and Nikki (Aeroart)'s table was the first one on the right as you came in the door. It was the quickest I have ever spent money at a show. From entrance to giving my credit card was approximately 1 1/2 minutes! ^&grin

This is RD21 It is Catherine the Great with her servant. There is some back story about her lover having just left the room or something like that. I'll have to ask Nikki what the story is and then will post here. The catalog name of this one is "Empress Seated w/Table, Screen, Couch and Chess Board. It was made by Sineus for Aeroart. Nikki told me the Catherine sculpt is the same one that appears inside "Catherine the Great's Carriage" RD19 (which, if anyone ever sees, buy it and I'll pay you back! :salute::)

I am totally in love with this mini diorama. I think the screen is probably the best part of it!





An absolutely STUNNING find!{eek3}{eek3} CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your jaw must have hit the floor the second you saw it. I would have been fumbling for my wallet just like you probably were! It's fantastic that you found such a special, unique diorama like this. Thank you for the great pics too! It appears to be in perfect condition. Wow, what a find -


great art {eek3}{eek3}{eek3}{eek3}

quality paint clothes, carpet, fabric chair and screen is awesome !!!{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Here are a few new Russian Vityaz figures representing Bronze Age Russian warriors from the Andronovo culture. I love these figures!


Great figures. I've never seen them. I love the tattoos on that second one!
Hello Good People!

I have purchased a lot of figures since I last posted. I will try to share, but I struggle with the size of the pictures, and use to much time on trying to downsize them.

Here are, however my first one.




There are lot more to come, and I hope I will get better posting.

Best regards: Mattis

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