Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers (3 Viewers)

Delivery Day!!!!
I'll take individual photos soon and describe what they all are!

By the way, please excuse the invading K&C Humvee! That came today too and creeped into the photo!
This baby just arrived from Austalia.
Philistine Chariot (SPK)
St. Petersburg Collection / Arsenyev Studio

(sorry for quality, I don't know why the camera wouldn't focus properly)



That's a very interesting piece Zach, very nice. Thanks for sharing the pics. Did you get this from a store or an individual in Australia? Congrats on another fine pick up!
thanks Joe
I got this one from Peter Nathan. he has a lot of great stuff. Not a bargain store by any stretch. I don't have any, but he's carrying figures from Tatiana that look really nice. I am interested in seeing them in person before I buy some, but haven't seen any in the US.
thanks Joe
I got this one from Peter Nathan. he has a lot of great stuff. Not a bargain store by any stretch. I don't have any, but he's carrying figures from Tatiana that look really nice. I am interested in seeing them in person before I buy some, but haven't seen any in the US.

Thanks for the info Zach:). I'll post some pics of some recent acquisitions soon too.

Very nice Joe! I'll try to get some more photos up this weekend. Just got a bunch of older stuff
Very nice Joe! I'll try to get some more photos up this weekend. Just got a bunch of older stuff

Thanks Zach! I'm still hunting for the Arsenyev Achilles and Ajax pieces.

Here are some pics of the Seleucid war chariot. The Seleucids would crash into the Roman front lines with these nasty war machines. Could you imagine being told to hold the line while a column of these chariots were raising toward you kamikaze style?!?!{eek3}


Excellent piece Joe - I would not want to crash into that sucker in battle!
After a month and a half wait, my latest pride and joy arrived from St. Petersburg.
Russian Vitayz Tournament Knight Riding w/ Spear
I have quite a few Russians, but this has to be one of the best paint jobs I have (if not THE best, it's certainly up there)




I think my eyes almost just popped out of my head!! {eek3}

An absolutely brilliant piece Zach.

You're going to get lost in appreciation of it for a long, long time....enjoy!!!

Thanks for sharing the outstanding images-

I agree with Joe, stunning piece! wow, worth the wait for sure and it arrived safely as well. What level painting did you order for this piece?

I think my eyes almost just popped out of my head!! {eek3}

An absolutely brilliant piece Zach.

You're going to get lost in appreciation of it for a long, long time....enjoy!!!

Thanks for sharing the outstanding images-

That one is a 10/10. I am finding more and more that if you go 8+ or above, they are so close, that I'm not sure 10 is worth the premium. There are definitely some nuances, but without seeing them side by side, I've been very happy with 8/8+
Got a shipment today with some nice older pieces. I'll post a few at a time (mainly bc I'm too lazy to do them all at once! :p)

This is the Roman Cavalryman (212B) by Arsenyev Studios for St. Petersburg Collection:

This is
Knight w/ Broadsword (381) Lawrence Hastings. For those of you that have to the book, you'll notice there is no photo of this one and i just thought you all might like to see it. It was done by Grudsky Studio for St. Petersburg Collection:

G249: Officer Thessalian Cavalry w/ Spear by Grudsky Studio for St. Petersburg Collection


and last but not least for now, lest I bore you all...

3890 Germanic Barbarian with Dragon Flag. Made by St. Petersburg Studios


Not bored at all...please keep 'em coming! My favorite from this lot is the mounted Roman. Congrats on your latest acquisitions and thanks for sharing the pics! Joe
Up next...

Roman Cavalryman at Full Gallop w/Spear Arsenyev/St.Petersburg Collection #209D




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