Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers (3 Viewers)

You two don't have to worry about it because you didn't! :wink2:

I love the figure, another addition to my AeroArt and other Russian figures Civil War collection.
Here's my Russian figures ACW collection, with a few First Legion figures thrown in.

I do like the other ones,but not that one!^&grin I think it may be the hat.

You two don't have to worry about it because you didn't! :wink2:

I love the figure, another addition to my AeroArt and other Russian figures Civil War collection.

I see I have started a discussion here, and I love that.
I ment no disrespect in your decision of buying the figure, and even like it, it just does not look like
General George Armstrong Custer.
I love many of the other Civil War figures you have.
I hope to be more active in the forum, I have lot of figures not shown here before, but I have problems posting photos.
Hopefully someone can send me personal email address ( maybe Joe ) and I can post pictures with comments through him.

Does anyone know if any of the Russian Manufacturers have ever done any of the characters out of Leo Tolstoys 'War and Peace' ?
I would be interested where I could obtain some if so?
Thanks Gebs. I just acquired a South Carolina Volunteers, an African American regiment. I will post a photo.
It Is always amazing to me how well (some) of the FL figures fit into a collection of Russian figures. Very nice, Brad.
Thank you Andreas. Some of the older AeroArt figures are nice but not always as good as the First Legion ones. I recently passed on a flag bearer as I didn't like the sculpting. I hope we some more FL Civil War in the higher end rather than the MB.
This is a bust (yes....I do like them!) I recently got. This is a 19th Century Mountain Man from Castle Miniatures and painted by Olga Zernina in Russia


and last but not least for this update we have Henry II from Aeroart! I love this guy!



really nice pieces...

my favorite...

the bust of the "grizzly" Mountain Man...

he is cool...

lots of character in that face...
1st South Carolina Volunteer Infantry (AeroArt 3845)

The 1st South Carolina Volunteers was one of the African American regiments in the U.S. Army.
Thanks Mark. Very few manufacturers have made African American soldiers unfortunately but yet they played a major role in winning the Civil War.

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