Reflections and thoughts on "P" (3 Viewers)

I too collect Hobby Master aircraft and know William Liu through the internet. He has a strong connection to Canada which is one reason Hobby Master makes so many Canadian versions of aircraft. I think Ivanmoe has done a very accurate summary of William's thoughts and that problems of skilled labour accuracy and quality control are similar for the diecast airplane industry as they are for the toy soldier industry.

Excellent post Ivanmoe! The economic reality behind it all is very sobering.
Hi Guys,

A very big “thankyou” to “Ivanmoe” for taking the time and trouble to post the responses of Mr. William Liu of Hobby Master. William’s analysis and understanding of the actual production challenges in China is spot-on!

All of us, myself included, wish it could be like the “old days” – at least as far as prices and costs are concerned. Alas however times change and situations change – that happens in all our lives and there’s little we can do about it but try to adapt and develop new strategies and different approaches to the myriad of challenges that face all of us in this relatively small, niche-hobby of ours.

Having said that…it’s not all doom ‘n’ gloom – I’m still an optimist and work with a great team both here in Hong Kong and China. Together we’ll do what we can to seek out solutions…alternatives…and opportunities to produce the kind of miniatures –figures, vehicles, aircraft and accessories that both you and we enjoy and collect.

All the very best and…thanks again “Ivanmoe” and “William” .

Andy C.​
Hi Guys,

A very big “thankyou” to “Ivanmoe” for taking the time and trouble to post the responses of Mr. William Liu of Hobby Master. William’s analysis and understanding of the actual production challenges in China is spot-on!

Hi Andy,

You're certainly very welcome.

For our readers, I feel obligated to cite a mistake that I made in my previous post. In referencing the business loss suffered by Hornby\Corgi, I denominated the figure in "dollars." That was an error. It should have been in GBP.

If anyone is interested in reading the entire transcript of the interview with William Liu, I'll be happy to send the PDF file to you. Simply PM me with an email addy and I ought to be able to get the transcript to you more or less immediately.

Have not been fully involved in this topic as kind of just sat back and read other peoples views instead, but now I have quite a few of these 'P' figures I have to say I really like them and think there is indeed a difference in the painting. The faces to put it simply do seem more realistic to me and the uniform painting sharper somehow. However what I appreciate most is the fact that despite the increases in realism they still go very nicely indeed with the previous releases from the Arnhem range. I still have a few to get but I am a happy collector:salute::


Glad to hear you believe that the 'P's are actually superior to the older releases. From other pictures I had suspected as much despite a lot of naysayers. Almost a year after they first dropped onto collectors my resolve to not purchase them is steadfast.........however as time passes I am wavering as some of the new poses are really nice. :redface2: Can't believe my little thread is approaching 2000 views! I think it is a testament to both the tumultuous greeting 'P' has received and ofcourse to the popularity of this series.
Glad to hear you believe that the 'P's are actually superior to the older releases. From other pictures I had suspected as much despite a lot of naysayers. Almost a year after they first dropped onto collectors my resolve to not purchase them is steadfast.........however as time passes I am wavering as some of the new poses are really nice. :redface2: Can't believe my little thread is approaching 2000 views! I think it is a testament to both the tumultuous greeting 'P' has received and ofcourse to the popularity of this series.

Hey CFM, when you examine them it's clear they are indeed superior. More realistic faces and sharper detail, they really are good. Go on mate, you know you want to!:salute::


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