Reichsbahn line (1 Viewer)


Jul 8, 2005

Do you think that Rick's Reichsbahn line was mostly a "hit" or a "miss?" I think that it would have been nice to have had an armored train in mid-to-late war tri-camouflage. I'm still on the fence about obtaining the train items but I may warm up to them.

FYI: If you've been wanting to finish your Reichsbahn collection I came across an eBay shop with the best pricing that I've seen. You can cut-and-paste the link below or do a search on the Figarti item number(s) to pull-up the items.

I love the military train, and happen to think it is one of the most unique and useful items a manufacturer has made for WWII to date. You can display it with a train station diorama in a city, town or village setting, or in a countryside diorama, and have it be shown with refugees or troop movements in a non-combat scenario, or under attack by aircraft, allied troops, or resistance fighters in a combat scenario. Plus my six year old son absolutely loves having a 10 foot long train on display.:wink2:
I love the military train, and happen to think it is one of the most unique and useful items a manufacturer has made for WWII to date. You can display it with a train station diorama in a city, town or village setting, or in a countryside diorama, and have it be shown with refugees or troop movements in a non-combat scenario, or under attack by aircraft, allied troops, or resistance fighters in a combat scenario. Plus my six year old son absolutely loves having a 10 foot long train on display.:wink2:

Total agree it a great range & very high detail

Do you think that Rick's Reichsbahn line was mostly a "hit" or a "miss?" I think that it would have been nice to have had an armored train in mid-to-late war tri-camouflage. I'm still on the fence about obtaining the train items but I may warm up to them.

FYI: If you've been wanting to finish your Reichsbahn collection I came across an eBay shop with the best pricing that I've seen. You can cut-and-paste the link below or do a search on the Figarti item number(s) to pull-up the items.

You can pick up the stuff a lot cheaper than that ebay seller :wink2:
I think it was a decent range but, practicality was its problem. Who really has the space to place a full train in a proper diorama scene?? Not many. An armoured carriage with say a Panzer IV turret or similar was a must but, think its gone by the wayside now. Its for me a very military train and, not for civillians really there are not sufficient civillians available in the correct scale for it to work. Someone mentioned K&C civillians with it and, the next thing discussion was about deportations!!!!!!
I bought an engine off EBay and am eagerly waiting for it to arrive. I had never planned on getting the train but thought it was a good deal. I will likely only add 2-3 cars because of space. Mine will be strictly military. I think the space required was probably a huge factor in it not selling very quickly, but the overall cost of the range is a deterrent too.
Great line, I hope Rick add more railcars to it.
The train is my favorite piece in all of my collection. Trains played such an important role in the war and can be used in any diorama. I made one using the k&c french resistance about to blow it up.
Well, what do you know? All this talk of trains, and my new train came today!! Thanks for giving my postal carrier the good karma. It really is a beautiful piece!!! I cannot wait to add a box car. Still trying to decide whether and when to get the latest Figarti AA gun and a car for it. It will be a great centerpiece. Now, to find room for it!! I really need another display case. My fear is that I have so much now that once I get it, I will already be able to fill it up, and my wife may do away with me. She knows about the train, but she has not come home to view the beast yet.
Do any of you know which one of the flatbed train cars would have carried the V-2 rocket? A picture of the real situation would be great to confirm how it looked.
Do any of you know which one of the flatbed train cars would have carried the V-2 rocket? A picture of the real situation would be great to confirm how it looked.

Well Ive just posted a photo of a v2 on a flatbed on the forum and Paul posted some photos on the other forum



This first shot with the boxcar is a favorite of mine, fantastic scene.

Thanks Frank,

We may be halfway decent diorama builders, but I am not a photographer. This was pure luck, I wish I remembered what my camera settings were. I am working on my getting more serious about my photography though. Alex
It has been rewarding to learn of the enthusiasm for the Figarti Reichsbahn line. That almost 50% off sale on eBay is almost tempting me for the few Reichsbahn pieces that are left there. Alas! I am saving for my first love, which is armor. I've also been distracted lately by First Legion products.


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