Renaissance: next line (2 Viewers)


Feb 4, 2010
Hi all,
With the time difference, I am the first to receive the newsletter
manufacturer of our favorite ...{sm4}
For me it's dinner for many of you is the breakfast!
Very nice to me!
What a surprise!{sm5}{sm3}
Still very difficult to make choices{sm2}
Attached are copies of images received from Matt newletter there an hour.
Congratulations Matt and FL.{bravo}}{bravo}}:salute::

Generally speaking our hobby/collection has neglected the musket and pike period, especially the Renaissance.
This is an exciting release for me and I hope for other collectors. The challenge will be to build a pike and musket formation over time due to the anticipated costs.
Dioramas will be stunning with the variations of colorful costumes, banners and armor.
Generally speaking our hobby/collection has neglected the musket and pike period, especially the Renaissance.
This is an exciting release for me and I hope for other collectors. The challenge will be to build a pike and musket formation over time due to the anticipated costs.
Dioramas will be stunning with the variations of colorful costumes, banners and armor.

ahahah I knew it !!!!!!!!!!!

And they all look great... this will offer FL a window to show how delicate their paint job can be..


Won't be everyone's cup of tea (or mug of pilsner), but a very intriguing set. While it doesn't fit into the genres I collect, I will probably pick up one or two. Now, do I want to spring for one of those gorgeous mounted figures?
Out of all the things that could have been done, FL decides to do the "Renaissance". Unbelievable!
ahahah I knew it !!!!!!!!!!!

And they all look great... this will offer FL a window to show how delicate their paint job can be..



WOW....Yes this line will really show off FL workmanship...Those mounted figures are amazing{bravo}}......Not an era with which I am too familiar.....I will have to break out the High School and College History Books...^&grin
These figures are simply amazing. The cavalry is just beautiful. The whole line will be a gorgeous, colorful collection. I await further details. -- Al
These figures are simply amazing. The cavalry is just beautiful. The whole line will be a gorgeous, colorful collection. I await further details. -- Al

Exactly my thoughts, great job FL. These are exactly the types of releases one would expect from a high end toy soldier maker that highlights their manufacturing skill. {sm4}
Definately not my cup of tea.I guess I will never collect FL.
A very courageous move by FL to enter this era. I remember an exchange with matt where he was wondering whether collectors would sign up for "Men in "Stockings".

If they are as well done as these, I think so. The potential of showing Landsknechts fighting nobility in full knight's armor on close range are just boundless. I recommend the pictures in the respective Osprey book to get a better impression of this battle.
This is what I am talking about:

Absolutely stunning! Fantastic, stupendous, wonderful, jaw dropping!

But what will I do? I am a tad concerned about their potential costs, especially the mounted figures - do I foresee $200.00 each? I hope not as it will force me out of the market.

Still there's always the foot figures, and they are truly quality items!

Keep smiling
Stunning figures! For many people it might be a case of not knowing much about this period but possibly learning about it from collecting these wonderful figures. It must really be a fantastic display of FL's talents...

These figures are stunning! I don't know much about the period, let alone how to pronounce ''Landsknechts'', but reading up on warfare of the Renaissance will be half the fun.

Getting into collecting First Legion will cause me to change some of my collecting habits, but these and the upcoming Austrian Naps will make it well worth the change. - Ken
This will be a tough call for me. Beautiful and unique.

The series that mainly appeal to me are those that are(a) figures only and (b) something I have a connection to in some way. But these are truly stunning. As Vezzolf said ......Not an era with which I am too familiar.....I will have to break out the High School and College History Books....

With so many unbeatable AWI figures to get as well as the Civil War they will probably be low on my list.
Awesome looking figures, I'm not to knowledgeable in this period, but I'm sure it will have a following like the rest of the lines...Sammy
Beautiful figures , Congratulations to first legion {bravo}} . Maybe Matt is trying to pull in some of the Waffen SS collectors with that splendid Georg von Frundsberg figure who is the namesake of the 10.SS-Panzergrenadier Div.:wink2: .. Well maybe not.... but I'm sure this release will add to growing list of collectors of First Legion who are already enjoying their respective lines .. Really beautiful stuff ....can you spell cherry pick ^&grin.. Regards Gebhard
Super looking figures , not an era that I would jump into
but with so much other great stuff from FL I,d like, that is
not a bad thing for the bank balance .
Quite impressive new range! Definitely unique in the hobby. I am very concerned about the pricing of these, though... FL is surely moving into a lot of eras in a hurry. Isn't there an additional new range coming out this year? They must be doing something right and I have to congratulate them! :) It would be interesting to know what part of the world is their biggest market... {sm2}
On a historical level, I know almost nothing about the Renaissance period. I have, however, always been fascinated with the colorful armor, clothing, flags, and weapons of the period. I have wanted to purchase Russian made figures in this period but have always balked because of the price. I am really looking forward to these FL figures as a possible less expensive option. The figures just look amazing. -- Al

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