'' ..just a shame they dont do much fit for the 7YW although the 13" Land Mortar is dated from 1760 and there is some Prussian cannon I believe (?)''
Sorry, I am a bit late catching up with this thread. Just browsing, and saw a reference to "7YW". That will always get my attention.
I believe that the only gun remotely connected with the 7YW made by Hinchliffe was the Austrian 6 Pdr. I have a couple in my collection. They are very forlorn, as they don't have crews. Am still waiting for the crews.....
To the best of my knowledge and belief Frank Hinchliffe did not do any Prussian guns. For Prussian guns and Crews of the 7YW you must go to (1) Ulrich Puchala, (2) Helmut Peipp (3) Rylit. There are some Rylit 7YW Prussian guns on eBay, as we speak. "Roseminiatures" on eBay had the Puchala gun and crew on eBay a matter of a week or so ago.
Happy Collecting,
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