Good to have you back. Will you be at the WC (West Coaster, not water closet!)?
Bosun Al
Well, I did warn you about drinking molten lead out of coffee mugs........
Great to see you back and obviously enjoying the 2 wheeled mid life crisis :wink2:
Nice paint jobs, really like the metal work on the choo choo.
' '
...I am finding posting pictures to be a bit frustrating. As I have to re size them and photobucket is incredibly wonky. I loved imageshak but they are no charging for that once free service...
I'm using Photobucket, too. It's a resource hog, and over my DSL line at home, it can take a while for the PB pages to load, or for my uploads to complete.
I have a friend who uses Fotki, which I think is another free set, up to a certain storage limit. I'm approaching the limit on Photobucket, and I can't decide whether to pay them for the premium account, or just switch over to another free site and start clogging up a new server