Ribeyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (1 Viewer)

I manage a meat/seafood department and this pass week for Labor Day we had ribeye steaks on sale for 3.77 a lb.!!!!! I ordered in about 65 cases at 60 pounds a box average, needless to say we cut every case, easily cutting well over 4,000 steaks!!!!!!!!!!!! if I do not see another ribeye sale it will not bother me!!....Sammy

Hows business been mate keeping busy........?
Hows business been mate keeping busy........?

Got my first shipment of Turkeys in for Thanksgiving ( 6 pallets) or roughly about 1,200 birds, I'll get two more shipments in the next week or so doubleing that shipment along with a ton of spiral cut hams, and ham shanks/butts. my favorite time of the year but it gets awful hectic for these next 8 weeks or so. how goes it with you??...Sammy
Got my first shipment of Turkeys in for Thanksgiving ( 6 pallets) or roughly about 1,200 birds, I'll get two more shipments in the next week or so doubleing that shipment along with a ton of spiral cut hams, and ham shanks/butts. my favorite time of the year but it gets awful hectic for these next 8 weeks or so. how goes it with you??...Sammy

Im on holidays for 3 weeks then the xmas rush will start,but as im wholesale we wont be as busy as the retail fella,s im hoping............:eek:
Got my first shipment of Turkeys in for Thanksgiving ( 6 pallets) or roughly about 1,200 birds, I'll get two more shipments in the next week or so doubleing that shipment along with a ton of spiral cut hams, and ham shanks/butts. my favorite time of the year but it gets awful hectic for these next 8 weeks or so. how goes it with you??...Sammy

Back at work,i was wrong we are flat out going to be along 6 weeks till xmas,hows it going for you?
You guys might appreciate this story. When I was a kid, I lived in Uruguay (mid 50s) and I guess to find a butcher. One day, my mother brought home a live chicken for dinner. While she was out, she had the maid kill it. I don't know if the maid knew I was watching but the maid then proceeded to chop off the poor bird's neck. The chicken ran around for a minute or so without its head. When my mother got home, I told her I had seen the chicken running around with its neck. She wasn't very happy that a six year old had witnessed that.

Excellent, same thing happened to me about the same age (maybe 2 or 3 years older) I as staying on my Uncle's farm as I did for a few weeks every year. Ultra fresh chicken cooked in some many different ways and slaughtered on the block that very morning. Also, fresh vegetables, fruit and goats milk - which I had to endure everyday - no I can't even look at the stuff!

At Easter we used to roast an entire lamb on the spit and for big family gatherings one or two of the piglets would be prepared in advance for feasting.

Got me used to the sight of blood but my auntie (bless her) 'til to her last days teased me about those headless chickens and how I went screaming round the farm in fright at the sight of those wretched creatures.

And YES it was the best I think I've ever tasted - probably scrawniest but tasty still!!
Back at work,i was wrong we are flat out going to be along 6 weeks till xmas,hows it going for you?

Being that Thanksgiving here in the U.S.A. is less then two weeks away we are slam busy!!! already gone though 6 pallets of turks, which is the usually the main featured dinner for Thanksgiving, but I have been selling a ton of bonein prime rib roasts as well, we got awesome prices this year...turkeys .39 cents a pound and prime rib at 3.77 a pound, not to shabby, how's your prices running??...Sammy
Being that Thanksgiving here in the U.S.A. is less then two weeks away we are slam busy!!! already gone though 6 pallets of turks, which is the usually the main featured dinner for Thanksgiving, but I have been selling a ton of bonein prime rib roasts as well, we got awesome prices this year...turkeys .39 cents a pound and prime rib at 3.77 a pound, not to shabby, how's your prices running??...Sammy

Hi mate we dont have thanks giving over here so we are building up till xmas.All our beef except for T-Bone we sell off the bone a standing rib roast over here about 5-6 ribs would retail for about 19-30 Aus dollars a kilo.We sell alot of Turkeys stuffed,We bone a quail a chicken a duck.You then put the quail into the chicken into the duck into the whole turkey,sow its arse up season and sell like that,they sell real well just a pain boning all those different birds.We also sell alot of Crayfish,prawns western Australian Dhu-fish because xmas here is hot so we eat outdoors have a BBQ,but alot have a traditional meal.A couple of pics one is our brilliant Crayfish and the other a couple Dhu-fish i caught.


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