this is a nice one Duke...
nice touch on the bases...
one of your best yet!
Thanks Michael. I used real sand here to cover the bases.
it works...
I use sand on some of my dios...
I steal it from the golf course sand traps when we play...^&grin
There is plastic sand available which I would prefer to use. You have created a very unforgiving environment here to aptly display the scene, well done. Robin.
Hi Duke,
"Yellow 14" really is one of KC's best-looking, polystone airplanes. Using the hut really helps with the symmetry of the display, something that can be a challenge when working with larger-ish pieces like aircraft replicas.
Excellent Diorama..^&coolReally like the scene. Hans-Joachim Marseille and Erwin Rommel
It's a pity that K&C haven't done Erich 'Bubi' Hartmann and his Bf109-G6. Surprised that of the Luftwaffe Aces he has been neglected..While Gunther Rall and Adolf 'Dolfo' Galland have been done twice meantime..
Would love K & C to do also RAF Squadron Leader Marmaduke 'Pat' Pattle the forgotten Allied 'Ace of Aces' he and his Glocester Gladiator or 'Tropicalised' Hawker Hurricane Mk1 from the Battle of Greece.^&cool He would be a great character for K&C to do.But may be not as commercial as the well known Luftwaffe Aces.