Room for your Collections/Dioramas (1 Viewer)

El Pippo

Private 1st Class
Mar 31, 2013
Hello everybody.

Actually I am asking myself, where do you display your collections ^&confuse Do you have a own room for them or just have them in the living room or in the kitchen, and what does your partner say :)
I just would like to know, because after a long and hard battle - like custer at Little Big Horn - I could manage to convince my wife, that I am in an urgent need of a new diorama {sm4}

So now this is the right side of my "toy room"

and this will become the left side. Hopefully with lots of Indians and 7th Cavalry on it. I will keep you updated :D
I am very lucky to have my own room . But since I only make small dioramas I can store them in my display cabinets in my own room, in the bedroom, in the living room, in the sitting room , etc ... my wife learned to live with it


Since I am not a diorama type of collector, display cases work fine for me ,as well as limiting my mfg. and historical period choices..Michael
I have two display cabinets that are absolutely full.

I have cupboards of items, particularly diorama pieces that stay in boxes because I have no more room.

The other day I searched through to try and remember how many Sudan pieces I have; they have never been displayed and cannot remember what I actually own.

Five minutes ago I placed my first order for "Streets of Old Hong Kong". Without a helping hand from the heavens they will probably go in the cupboard as well. The main problem is the cupboard is now as full as the display cabinets.


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I always enjoy reading topics like this. Since I started collecting K&C last year, my collection has grown beyond the limits of my enclosed glass cabinet/shelves. I still prefer to create scenes vs. lining up all the vehicles in a "parking lot manner". To do so, I recommend picking your favorite pieces. You can always place other items in the side lines.


My K&C DAK collection a few months ago
So far, I have all of mine on the landing at the top of the steps (landing is deceiving as it's the size of a room). I have five cabinets bursting at the seams with one more empty. Once that is full, I have problems!

I have my K&C airfield diorama in the finished basement (tv room, etc). That one is over 3 1/2 ft sq., so not matter how big the "landing" is, there was just not room for it. I have a huge castle dio that has all of my FL agincourt collection in my bedroom. Having that in the bedroom is the first clue that I am single!!!! That is sure to go once a lady enters the picture! :redface2:

These are all on the landing:



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I have a huge castle dio that has all of my FL agincourt collection in my bedroom. Having that in the bedroom is the first clue that I am single!!!! That is sure to go once a lady enters the picture! :redface2:

Unless she's English and you can explain to her that the Agincourt range is actually there in honor of her countrymen who defeated the French...........BUT, if she's French, you are doomed.............;)..
I think I'd be thrown in a mental institution for choosing Agincourt over a French woman! :tongue:
As I stated in another thread ... after 36 years I finally have my own room. ....{sm4}
Like you I am starting to build my frame Mine will hopefully be a (rather large) diorama, made up of 16 smaller dioramas.
Up until now, the collection has been rotating in and out of a cabinet and on one shelf. ...{sm2}

Good LUCK! --- Larry
Speaking of can take comfort knowing my collection isn't upside down as in those photos! Haha
Hi Zach,

Is there a pic of your old hong kong diorama? It looks really good and would love to see it in more detail. :) Your other collections are really nice
My home office is bursting at the seams, my dvd's are taking most of the linen cupboard and my clothes do not hang straight in the walk in wardrobe due to a great pile of books and my wife has given my troops marching orders. So I have started the process for a man-cave to be built next to the wood shed. Hoping to finish by Christmas and will show some progress photo's starting with the site. Robin.


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I can't wait to see the progress and of course the finished project!
My home office is bursting at the seams, my dvd's are taking most of the linen cupboard and my clothes do not hang straight in the walk in wardrobe due to a great pile of books and my wife has given my troops marching orders. So I have started the process for a man-cave to be built next to the wood shed. Hoping to finish by Christmas and will show some progress photo's starting with the site. Robin.
Robin, every bloke needs a shed come man cave mate and with your collection I reckon you'll need a fair sized one to boot, just make sure you keep up the maintenance mate.....:wink2:
To small mate....

Just big enough...

But keep it in good nick....
Mr. ZB Lang,

I saw those pictures on the web from a Toy Soldier Museum in Fon du Lac, Wisconsin. Did you really think that we would not pick up the fact that you "stole" those pics and posted them as your collection. You should be ashamed of yourself for "blow-hearten" that those pics are from your collection. I call for an Forum investigation into your collection and a "proof of collection" pic.

If sir, it is your collection, then you receive the "Toy Soldier Highroller of the Year", if you can't prove it Mr. Counselor then..."for shame" on you.

John from Texas
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Haha! Part of me wishes I could call Fon Du Lac and tell them to come get these out of my house! :p

I have a mega-addiction and It's not going away! The family has tried an intervention, but it only made it worse!!! haha
Haha! Part of me wishes I could call Fon Du Lac and tell them to come get these out of my house! :p

I have a mega-addiction and It's not going away! The family has tried an intervention, but it only made it worse!!! haha


Remember I am the one who had the "pre-divorce" sale and thats when you bought one of my first offerings (thank you). Brother, you have a magnificent collection and If I may ask what is that Greek facade you have in one of your displays. It is the one above your HK rio. It looks massive!!!

John from Texas
So far, I have all of mine on the landing at the top of the steps (landing is deceiving as it's the size of a room). I have five cabinets bursting at the seams with one more empty. Once that is full, I have problems!

I have my K&C airfield diorama in the finished basement (tv room, etc). That one is over 3 1/2 ft sq., so not matter how big the "landing" is, there was just not room for it. I have a huge castle dio that has all of my FL agincourt collection in my bedroom. Having that in the bedroom is the first clue that I am single!!!! That is sure to go once a lady enters the picture! :redface2:

These are all on the landing:




IMO.................This is the way to Display ! :salute::

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