Royal Air Force Pipe Band (1 Viewer)

beating retreat

Aug 12, 2008
Hi Guys just thought Id post a few pics of some Fusilier figures Ive painted as the Royal Air Force Leuchars Pipe Band from the late 70s period. The figures are painted with Vallejo acrylic paints and Miniature Paints acrylic gloss varnish. They now have had a change of uniform and now wear the RAF tartan and Highland bonnets.










Regards John
The highest of accolades on this job! Stunning museum quality I would call 'em!:cool::D:)

Your work is truly at the masterpiece level. I look forward someday to have you do a figure for my collection:)

This is most impressive. The band looks terrific.
Randy, go for it. You will not regret it ;).
Really really nice paint job.
Among other things I again really appreciate the very expressive faces !
Hello John,

Thanks very much for posting the photographs of your excellent work.

I note you used Vallejo acrylic paints and Miniature Paints acrylic gloss varnish.

As I am not familiar with acrylics, can the acryllic finish be described as a semi-gloss finish? ie: less glossy than enamel gloss, but definitely not matte.

Regards, Raymond.:)

Hello John,

Thanks very much for posting the photographs of your excellent work.

I note you used Vallejo acrylic paints and Miniature Paints acrylic gloss varnish.

As I am not familiar with acrylics, can the acryllic finish be described as a semi-gloss finish? ie: less glossy than enamel gloss, but definitely not matte.

Regards, Raymond.:)


Hi Raymond, the Vallejo paint is matte,but then I put 2 thin coats of Miniature paints gloss varnish on to finish this gives a very smooth tough gloss finish which is comparable to gloss enamel finishes. The varnish was designed to be used with war games figures giving them a protective coat on the war games table. All the figures Ive done for Konrad are finished in the same way (see the Frederick the Great thread on this forum)

Regards John
Hi Raymond, the Vallejo paint is matte,but then I put 2 thin coats of Miniature paints gloss varnish on to finish this gives a very smooth tough gloss finish which is comparable to gloss enamel finishes. The varnish was designed to be used with war games figures giving them a protective coat on the war games table. All the figures Ive done for Konrad are finished in the same way (see the Frederick the Great thread on this forum)

Regards John

Hello John,

Thank you very much for sharing your technique.

The forum has several seasoned collectors who employ the same method of obtaining a gloss finish.

ie: matte paint followed by thin coats of gloss varnish for a gloss finish which is comparable to gloss enamel finishes.

I have never tried this method and previously painted directly with enamel gloss.

The figures as shown on the Frederick the Great thread are simply magnificent.

Konrad was very lucky to have you do these for him.

Best Regards, Raymond.:)

WOW GREAT JOB on the tartan.If only I could get mine to turn out like that.John you are one of the best.I should bet you to paint 12 Wing Pipes and Drums.

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