Why you are so sure about that?
Do you know anything about the incident at Pristina airport.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
What is it???
Do you believe everything in Wikipedia? I wouldn't if I was you.
I have not looked at the clip you posted but this was a diplomatic issue rather than any win by a military force.
The lead reconnaissance troop in the race to Pristina was commanded by British officer Captain James Blunt (the singer). Your Wikipedia link shows "he has been quoted as saying he would rather have faced a court martial than use force against the Russians". British General Jackson refused to enforce Clark's orders, reportedly telling him "I'm not going to start the Third World War for you". Clark was NATO Commander and Jackson was ready to resign rather than follow Clark's order.
1. If you look at that link the "good guys" had far superior forces available and the Russians were cut off. The Russians should consider themselves lucky the British did not agree with the Americans in how to deal with the Russians.
However no doubt the Communist propaganda machine has promoted this as some sort of glorious battle showing their superiority.
2. You may find this article about hazing helpful. You will note it directly relates to the conscription in Russian army.
3. I am just wondering what is your purpose being on this forum ? You aim seems to be to promote and glorify the Russian army and have no interest in toy soldiers. Not only that your posts also seem intended to show the armies/soldiers of the west in a bad way.
4. Here is a simple question. If you had to join an army as a soldier which would you rather serve in : Russian, British, NZ or USA ? Or if you were in an African country and needed Peacekeepers which would you prefer to help ?
Let me make this clear. Russia is a communist country and for those in the west that makes it the "enemy". However I think we all prefer peace to any conflict.
5. You lost the Cold War and the USSR collapsed in 1991 and left in its place 15 independent states that we know today:
Wow impressive job. Russia was spending huge money on its military whilst its people were poor and suffering hardships.
Happy to help if you have any further points you would like to raise.
Hi Mark.
Thanks for your honest post.
To make it clear: I do not trust the facts in the Wikipedia and always checking the info at an independent sources.
I forced to use the Wikipedia as a proof only because for many guys on the forum the Wikipedia is like the last resort on the history.
Kind Regards.
Tank mate, Wikipedia may conveniently fill a few gaps in knowledge, but its consumer fed information is at times questionable and open to interpretation.
Best option is do your own research and catch up on some reading from several sources IMO.
Judging by your posts I'm presuming you were born in Russia and emigrated to NZ at some stage?
Kind Regards.
I have no interest to click on any of your links.
However just want to make clear a point. If the Russians are fighting UK, USA, NZ Oz then they would be the bad guys. If Russia lose men fighting Chechens, ISIS etc I simply don't care.
Good to know you trust the Russian military more than other sources of information. I note you also would rather be in the Russian army over that of a Western country (incl. NZ) and that Russia is no longer communist.
I have met Dan Keighran VC as well as Ben Roberts Smith VC and Keith Payne VC (Vietnam). My business has mounted the replica medals of the first two. Ben has been in my shop 5 x.
Now perhaps you can tell us your thoughts on the brave Russians involved in shooting down civilian airliners : Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in 1983 and more recently MH17 over the Ukraine. Actually don't bother as your Russian military sources no doubt classify them as air battles equal to the Battle of Britain.
Interesting that you say 1999 was lowest point in Russian history and by co-incidence 20 years since you left the motherland.
I have zero interest to visit Russia.
Look... How should I put that.
1. This is the Movies and Media part of the Forum.
I posted the movie trailer and the clip of the movie to share it to the other forum users.
That was all I wanted to do.
2. Than you come with your funny questions and slowly brought to the topic a political crap.
3. After I refused to talk about politic you come from another side with a stupid REMBO questions and eventually you managed to separated SOLDIERS for a bad Russian and good Western soldiers.
Durring the conversation about Chechnya you showed no knowlege about the subgect and you made a sily statement based on propaganda.
After I posted some info about Chechen rebels you admitted that you was wrong.
I thought we are done with our coversation.
4. in my next post I did ask the Topic readers:
Does anyone knows about any heroic act of the USA forces or US allies in Afghanistan.
And here you come again with this controversial statement:
I would say a NZ or Aussie soldier would be vastly superior to a Russian. Better training, pay, food, equipment, weapons.
Well, to reply this accusation I posted 2 videos to debunk your statement and I asked you to provide any evidence to prove your words.
The next day you reply but your answer was full of propaganda and there wasn’t a single evidence to support your statement.
Here is my conclusion: From my point if view you are a typical TIRE KICKER so from now I will ignore you.
Have a good day.
As you all know there was a drones airstrike on oil factory in Saudi Arabia.
And there were many drones and missiles attack on Russian Khmeimim Air Base in Syria.
Plase see the difference.
Western military
Saudis couldn’t stop attack on oil facilities, even with top US defenses
Russian millitary.
Khmeimim Air Base in Syria. Fight off drones and missiles attack
tank; 4. in my next post I did ask the Topic readers: Does anyone knows about any heroic act of the USA forces or US allies in Afghanistan. And here you come again with this controversial statement: [B said:I would say a NZ or Aussie soldier would be vastly superior to a Russian. Better training, pay, food, equipment, weapons. [/B]
Well, to reply this accusation I posted 2 videos to debunk your statement and I asked you to provide any evidence to prove your words.
The next day you reply but your answer was full of propaganda and there wasnt a single evidence to support your statement.
As you all know there was a drones airstrike on oil factory in Saudi Arabia.
And there were many drones and missiles attack on Russian Khmeimim Air Base in Syria.
Plase see the difference.
Western military
Saudis couldnt stop attack on oil facilities, even with top US defenses
Just for the record three Australian servicemen have been awarded the Victoria Cross for their valor in Afghanistan which I think more than qualifies as heroic acts! As far as Chechnya goes it was invaded by Tsarist Russia long ago and regardless of them being Islamic they have fought ever since to rid themselves of the invaders. You complain about propaganda but you come from a country that mastered the art of it, kinda the kettle calling the pot black don't you think? And by the way Rambo is spelt with an A not an E.
Hello Serge
Yes, I do recall the Beslan school massacre in 2004- it happened on my birthday unfortunately and I always pause to reflect on the terrible loss of innocence on that day. It was incredibly tragic.
To answer your question regarding American valor in Afghanistan, yes, there are currently 13 awardees of the Medal of Honor who are still living who received their MOH while serving in Afghanistan in particular. Here is the list:
I'm not really sure that using MOH's awarded during a particular war is a air measure of any country's military expertise though I do know we did overrun Afghanistan several weeks after the events of 9-11 with a Brigade of Special Forces troopers and combat air support. It is what it is.
Overrunning a country is one thing, nation building so that they can stand on their own as responsible global citizens is quite another. Both Russia and the US struggled mightily in that area as, in my opinion, the Afghanis (or probably more accurately stated their leadership) simply don't want to move them out of the caves and huts they live in. Germany and Japan wanted to get WW2 over with and move on with their lives. They were industrialized nations prior to the onset of WW2, none of the countries the US has been involved with since has any grasp of what that was like so they don't try to achieve it- they simply don't know it exists.
Best regards