San Antonio Toy Show, K&C & TSSD (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Just left Toys Soldiers of San Diego web site and they have posted that they and King & Country are exploring the possibilities of hosting a Toy Show in 2007 in San Antinio.
They have requested any feedback.
Sounds good to me!
Yes, the Southwest needs a toy show. Great way to stoplight the new American location of the K & C store.

I too would go !!
It could be the annual pilgrimage to the toy soldier mecca, but not in July or August.....please!:eek:

How about one in Seattle or Portland some of us up here dont get to go to these great shows.

DMNamiot said:
How about one in Seattle or Portland some of us up here dont get to go to these great shows.


Dave, Theres a show in Lakewood Wa every Oct. but it is a very small affair. I went the last 2 years .
A show in Portland I am afeared simply wouldn't fly due to the lack of enthusiasts around here.If they are out there, I know very few.I would love to see a show around here.As wierd as Portland had gotten , we'd probably have protesters!

Excellent idea having a toy soldier show in San Antonio. I go once a year to the IPMS modellers show but it always falls on the same day as the the cheerleading finals. You should see the Mall full of cheerleaders everywhere.
Gentle Friends,

Gary's original post indicated that the proposed plan was to host a toy show in San Antonio. Later posts reference a toy soldier show. Which is really being proposed?

Also, Fred makes a very good point that San Antonio is usually very hot and humid during the summer months. How about planning for an event to take place during the winter or spring before the heat really settles in?

Warm regards,

Fubar said:
Dave, Theres a show in Lakewood Wa every Oct. but it is a very small affair. I went the last 2 years .
A show in Portland I am afeared simply wouldn't fly due to the lack of enthusiasts around here.If they are out there, I know very few.I would love to see a show around here.As wierd as Portland had gotten , we'd probably have protesters!



I've only been here for two years but never heard about the Lakewood show which is right up the street from where I live less than 20minutes! Who would be the best person to talk to about it? I would really love to see something I hate reading about all of these other ones when I cant get to them. I may try to go to Chicago but thats still way up in the air.

Dave, I don't recall who the event organizers are but you could ask the folks at American Eagles Hobby shop. They attend.They can probably fill you in about the ENFILADE historical Wargames convention near Tacoma in June.No 54mm, except for my games, but lots of interesting and detailed displays.I heard the folks at the Lakewood show are looking for new show organizers, whoever had been doing it was moving away.
As far as Chicago, it's a hoot.I let it go for close to 10 years and went in 2003 .It was simply a kid in a candy store experiance.Great fun.
San Antonio in the summer is very hot.I was at Lackland AFB back in 1983.It was HOT.Who cares if the place has AC though?

I was in San Antionio two summers ago for my wifes HS reunion it was a lot of fun right on the river walk and of course I went into KingsX and had a good time really drooling over their displays. My wife even thought their Viking Long Ship was cool enough for me to get if I had had the $$. At least she doesnt mind too much about the collection.

Thanks for the info and I will see if I can get the skinny on who is running it now.


Is the San Antonio shop going to change. Its pretty small so I was wondering if its going to be remodeled only or expanded.

I haven't noticed any change in the Kings X website, I'm hoping for the show and maybe some nice shop only special sets like they do or did at Xmas in Hong Kong shop.
Andy posted this under Bits and Bobs:

. San Antonio Toy Soldier Show
Some of you might have heard that K&C and our good friends at Toy Soldiers of San Diego are thinking seriously about putting together a Texas Toy Soldier Show. It’s all true!
We ‘re getting together in San Antonio later in May to discuss and review the possibility and feasibility of holding a major event in May 2007. Our idea is to have a 2-day ballroom event (no room trading) over a weekend and add in special events in and around San Antonio during the preceding 2 or 3 days.
So, how do you guys fancy 4 or 5 days in San Antonio – eating … sleeping … drinking toy soldiers? It’s a great town and a fun place with lots to see and do. Let’s have your thoughts … ideas … and comments.
Shannon Reuss said:
Andy posted this under Bits and Bobs:

. San Antonio Toy Soldier Show
Some of you might have heard that K&C and our good friends at Toy Soldiers of San Diego are thinking seriously about putting together a Texas Toy Soldier Show. It’s all true!
We ‘re getting together in San Antonio later in May to discuss and review the possibility and feasibility of holding a major event in May 2007. Our idea is to have a 2-day ballroom event (no room trading) over a weekend and add in special events in and around San Antonio during the preceding 2 or 3 days.
So, how do you guys fancy 4 or 5 days in San Antonio – eating … sleeping … drinking toy soldiers? It’s a great town and a fun place with lots to see and do. Let’s have your thoughts … ideas … and comments.

San Antonio Show sounds great.

Why no room trading? Just a question not a objection. The hotels on the River Walk are very expensive.
Perhaps a special room rate could be arranged, just like in Chicago.
One advantage the proposed San Antonio Show would have over the other Toy Soldier Shows I have been to would be the K&C owned and remodelled Kings X Toy Soldier shop on location. If I know Andy and Gordon (and I hope that after 13 years of dealing with them I have some little insight) they will have made some really special diorama displays for their store, and may even have some of the prototype or other old wood, metal and resin vehicles and rare out of production figures on display. Those of us planning to attend might have a chance to get a look at stuff you would otherwise have to go to K&C headquarters in Hong Kong (or, in some cases, my attic) to see. Plus, its always great to see Andy and chat with Gordon over the phone, so I imagine being at an event they hosted would be really fun. Not to mention that Joan Smith of Kings X is still on board. She is the first K&C dealer I ever purchased a set from, and is one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure to deal with. So I'm all in.

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