Saving Private Ryan (1 Viewer)

Yeah Matt, I've simply learned not to mention I collect TS to anyone other other than family or other collectors.....I think it's that weird, surprised look that I've sometimes recieved by the odd person thats put me know the type of look a doc would give ya just before they strap on the straight jacket...{eek3}^&grin:wink2:

Toddy mate, you have some hardcore doctors over there {eek3} ^&grin
^&grin She isn't alone, most of my friends think TS collecting isn't normal. They were relieved when I gave it up for a while, now I'm at it again they no doubt have an intervention planned for me {eek3} ^&grin

Not sure why the Germans have shaved/buzz cut heads, it could be to make them look more evil, or maybe just a simple device to allow the average movie viewer to pick the German troops from the GIs when they're not wearing helmets.


When I first started talking to my wife I was so afraid to tell her about my diabetes and my TS collection. Three years on and she is more concerned about being married to a TS collector than she is a diabetic, go figure.

I wish they would have made the Germans have more traditional haircuts in Saving Private Ryan. I can understand the attempt to distinguish them from the GI's but in the end it appears to have caused more confusion (see Steam Boat Willie)

When you see photos of the German w/o helmets some have that short on the side, long on top cut. A quick sample has their hair styles looking "normal" for the 1940s. I don't remember the buzz cut for regular folks coming back until after 9/11, but there was the punk look. Film makers projected this look back on some characters in history movies like The Bounty, Excalibur, and the Sharpe series. Maybe it happened here with SPR as well.

Just going off memory,but I think a couple of the non-coms in "Band of Brothers" were also Techs. Don't remember which ones though. -- Al

Hey Al- I'd be a bit surprised if that was the case but I could certainly be wrong.

Alright- I'll try to tackle this one to the best of my ability and how it relates to more modern (post ODS) US Army. Sorry I can't help you Aussies out {sm2}

E-4- Can be a specialist or a corporal. Both get paid the same but a corporal is a non-commisioned officer. A specialist is still technically a high ranking private (though they can go to leadership schools and become a Sergeant just likes CPLs). Corporals are usually seen in combat arms units. It is a somewhat rare rank in the Army believe it or not, because the Corporal is getting pretty close to pinning on his E5 stripes.

Specialists were pretty common in Nam. I believe they went all the way up to Specialist 7. At some point, Spec 5- Spec 7 was eliminated and hard stripes were given to E-5's- E6's. Some recruiters are corporals as well, if not for no other reason than to have a spiffy dress uniform.

E-5- Sergeant- first level NCO- Squad leaders
E-6- Staff Sergeant- usually a squad leader but can be a platoon sergeant is really squared away.Typically just an older E5
E-7- Sergeant First Class- this is your platoon sergeant
E8- Two distinctions- Master Sergeant and First Sergeant. First Sgt's are the highest enlisted soldier at the company level. Master Sergeants are E-8's without the command burden/responsibility a Top Shirt has. A lot of Master Sergeants are on battalion level (or higher) staff positions.

E-9- Sergeant Major and Command Sergeant Major- similar to E-8 though at a higher level. There will be a CSM who advises the battalion commander (lt. Colonel)- you see this in We were soldiers with SMAJ Plumley and Mel Gibson's character.

Hope that helps- clear as mud right?? {sm4}

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