Just going off memory,but I think a couple of the non-coms in "Band of Brothers" were also Techs. Don't remember which ones though. -- Al
Hey Al- I'd be a bit surprised if that was the case but I could certainly be wrong.
Alright- I'll try to tackle this one to the best of my ability and how it relates to more modern (post ODS) US Army. Sorry I can't help you Aussies out {sm2}
E-4- Can be a specialist or a corporal. Both get paid the same but a corporal is a non-commisioned officer. A specialist is still technically a high ranking private (though they can go to leadership schools and become a Sergeant just likes CPLs). Corporals are usually seen in combat arms units. It is a somewhat rare rank in the Army believe it or not, because the Corporal is getting pretty close to pinning on his E5 stripes.
Specialists were pretty common in Nam. I believe they went all the way up to Specialist 7. At some point, Spec 5- Spec 7 was eliminated and hard stripes were given to E-5's- E6's. Some recruiters are corporals as well, if not for no other reason than to have a spiffy dress uniform.
E-5- Sergeant- first level NCO- Squad leaders
E-6- Staff Sergeant- usually a squad leader but can be a platoon sergeant is really squared away.Typically just an older E5
E-7- Sergeant First Class- this is your platoon sergeant
E8- Two distinctions- Master Sergeant and First Sergeant. First Sgt's are the highest enlisted soldier at the company level. Master Sergeants are E-8's without the command burden/responsibility a Top Shirt has. A lot of Master Sergeants are on battalion level (or higher) staff positions.
E-9- Sergeant Major and Command Sergeant Major- similar to E-8 though at a higher level. There will be a CSM who advises the battalion commander (lt. Colonel)- you see this in We were soldiers with SMAJ Plumley and Mel Gibson's character.
Hope that helps- clear as mud right?? {sm4}