Selective Buying (1 Viewer)

kilted vampire

Lieutenant Colonel
Mar 2, 2006
Due to illness and employment situations my pay has been cut. My buying has been cut severely. I agonize over each purchase. There have been more times where I walk out empty handed (much to the Halls' and my disbelief). I love this hobby and there are many aspects to appreciate. I have gotten very creative in my funding for my addiction and when it comes to making what I like and can not afford or find. Fortunately I am talented and appreciated by forum members here and in the hobby. So my hobby has paid for itself at times.

I have always maintained one should buy what one likes. There are very few that I dislike, see my signature. I have a hard time sorting them out. Becoming selective is a fact of life.

But I am blessed. I have many wonderful figures. I once was told I could not get them all.....sigh.... Now I believe it.
FWIW many of us have been through similar times. Use your collection for enjoyment right now; and, as things begin to improve, you can being to buy again.

Sometimes we get so interested in the new stuff we forget to focus on the wonderful treasures we have. Maybe it's time to re-paint some of those figures that are sitting in the "broken" box.

My toys have seen me through many bad times - they are some of the best friends I have!

I hope things turn for you soon. I enjoyed meeting you in Chicago, and your posts are always a good read. You are valued here, so take heart.

Ne illegitime carborendum!
My Friend,
Every cloud has a silver lining . Sometimes the better times are just around the corner.I am sure your collection of TS will help you through difficult times;
I too have cut my collecting back for several reasons. Ecomomy, available room to display and available room to store undisplayed sets.
If I see something that I really like I will still buy it, but other than that it needs to either be something I specifically collect, or a really good buy of something I still like alot.

I guess I've always been a proponent of "Selective Buying." Not have excessively deep pockets - I've always tried to purchase just items that I really want, and the price of each item must be a number that I'm willing to spend on said item. That doesn't always mean it's cheap - just that whatever price I pay is worth it to me. As a result, my collection is relatively small - but I really enjoy it! :)

I guess I've always been a proponent of "Selective Buying." Not have excessively deep pockets - I've always tried to purchase just items that I really want, and the price of each item must be a number that I'm willing to spend on said item. That doesn't always mean it's cheap - just that whatever price I pay is worth it to me. As a result, my collection is relatively small - but I really enjoy it! :)


Very well put. Its just what I try and do. Every item I purchase is something I really want in my collection for the way it looks or what it will add to that collection, when I've spent a lot of money I know I've brought something that I've been after and will enjoy for a long time to come.

I guess I've always been a proponent of "Selective Buying." Not have excessively deep pockets - I've always tried to purchase just items that I really want, and the price of each item must be a number that I'm willing to spend on said item. That doesn't always mean it's cheap - just that whatever price I pay is worth it to me. As a result, my collection is relatively small - but I really enjoy it! :)


Well said Jim & totally agree
Can asked why this threads are always in K&C section when they should be in General Toy Soldier Discussion :confused:
I think part of it is that K&C release every single month whereas other manufacturers are somewhat sporadic so, increases in price are more notable with the manufacturer and, when others release their prices they rather slide under the radar as everyone has had their say and the threads are closed.

I think some of these issues have been raised in those catagories but, a K&C collector raised a specific question about price and K&C which, started all this narrative
I must admit, that with the recent price increases, I've thought about selling a few older K&C sets or even an entire series to help fund some of the great new releases that I've got my eye on.

Trouble is, I can't! Some sets from other manufacturers have had to go, but I guess I'll just have to be a bit 'selective' and maybe aim to spend the same amount this year as last year which, unfortunately, will get me about 30% less metal and polystone!
Due to illness and employment situations my pay has been cut. My buying has been cut severely. I agonize over each purchase. There have been more times where I walk out empty handed (much to the Halls' and my disbelief). I love this hobby and there are many aspects to appreciate. I have gotten very creative in my funding for my addiction and when it comes to making what I like and can not afford or find. Fortunately I am talented and appreciated by forum members here and in the hobby. So my hobby has paid for itself at times.

I have always maintained one should buy what one likes. There are very few that I dislike, see my signature. I have a hard time sorting them out. Becoming selective is a fact of life.

But I am blessed. I have many wonderful figures. I once was told I could not get them all.....sigh.... Now I believe it.

Vampire, Wishing for you improved health soon and income stability...The Lord is our provider and our shield in times of difficulty....Best Vezzolf
I empathize with the Kilted Vampire regarding his current situation vis a vis being able to obtain items coming out of K&C. I consider myself extremely fortunate to be able to get many of the items I desire in my selected lines of interest. One of the reasons I can do this is I've narrowed my purchasing to just two lines (WWII North African Campaign and the Napoleonic Era), although I am impressed by specific items/figures in other lines. I've been able to maintain line discipline thus far:D

Priorities need to be set in one's own personal life and finances. Going overboard when you just can't afford it or if the "significant other(s)" object is just not the right way to go!

This hobby should be a pleasure, not an addiction.

Enjoy what you have, and collect what you can. And share your joy with others.

Hopefully, that's enough;)
I guess I've always been a proponent of "Selective Buying." Not have excessively deep pockets - I've always tried to purchase just items that I really want, and the price of each item must be a number that I'm willing to spend on said item. That doesn't always mean it's cheap - just that whatever price I pay is worth it to me. As a result, my collection is relatively small - but I really enjoy it! :)


This is very much how I feel. I have only been collecting for a relatively short time, and I have always "strongly considered" each purchase. I must admit, I have already bought some sets on impulse, and inveriably upon review I get it wrong. I already am planning to thin the ranks of my fledging collection, in order to keep it on track. I guess that is all part of the process and the fun of managing the living organism that is your collection!!!
Due to illness and employment situations my pay has been cut. My buying has been cut severely. I agonize over each purchase. There have been more times where I walk out empty handed (much to the Halls' and my disbelief). I love this hobby and there are many aspects to appreciate. I have gotten very creative in my funding for my addiction and when it comes to making what I like and can not afford or find. Fortunately I am talented and appreciated by forum members here and in the hobby. So my hobby has paid for itself at times.

I have always maintained one should buy what one likes. There are very few that I dislike, see my signature. I have a hard time sorting them out. Becoming selective is a fact of life.

But I am blessed. I have many wonderful figures. I once was told I could not get them all.....sigh.... Now I believe it.


Michael, always nice to read a post from you!:) I am sorry to hear that you have had further health issues, and hope you feel better soon!

Don't feel you are alone as more then a few collectors find themselves cutting back on their purchases.:eek: People either lose interest, or their tastes change, or the rising prices and poor economy force many to change their buying habits.

I find myself drawn back to items produced in the 1950-1960's.

Current manufacters seem to produce 3 times what can actually be sold.:D

Hope your feeling better soon!
Fellow forum members this is my personal assessment of the "state of the union". Given the range of recent discussions reviewed personal situation. For curiosity sake when back and calculated my King and Country toy soldier expenditures for the years 2009 and 2010. In addition to a reduction in the range of series I acquired additions to, I found that I had reduced my total spending by 35.5%. Retired and more or less on fixed income I don’t (read can’t) spend that much on the luxury of the hobby to begin with. Obviously this is just one individual, as a data point, but would be curious as to others' circumstances.
Interesting observation! I would say my spending is down 99.8% in toy soldier marketplace.:eek: However that could change if the right retired items suddenly became available. Reguarding new items, I rarely look at current offerings.

All of this would be great if my spending on Smith Miller Trucks wasn't up 6000%!:eek:

On a side note yesterday I went to a large automotive paint warehouse near by and ordered a color match for 1952 Mack Red for one of my Trucks. I was very impressed that they could not only do that in a Dupont Automotive finish, but they could put it in spray cans for me!:)

Now that is really cool!
Hope things get better for you soon KV. I'm also being selective in my purchases mainly due to budget.

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