September 11th (1 Viewer)


Oct 30, 2007
Only two days away from September 11, and the seventh year aniversery of that terrible day, yet in my mind it only seems like it happened only weeks ago, I was working at my job in Richmond Virginia the morning of September 11, 2001 when everthing started happening early that morning, I will never ever forget it, I know time heals all wounds but sometimes in life things need not be forgotten or looked past, so many things have changed since that day I wish that day had never happened, but it did and we as a country must not forget it, I have a dvd on all the events that happened that day and from time to time I'll rewatch it, I had a chance to watch it with my son who is now 10 and give him some kind of exsplaination of things that happened that day, he deserves to know why September 11th is patriot day and not another day on the calander, so let us keep our thoughts and prayers with americans on this special day as well as all others.....Sammy
Yo Troopers, to add what Sammy has said, besides personal family tragedies, this was the worst thing that has ever affected my life. Just happened to take a weeks holiday, and never watch TV during the day but for some reason I turned the TV on as it was happening, just before the second plane hit. Well the whole week was taken up watching TV, and being honest I shed many a tear for all the lost lives. Its a good job you had a President that kept his cool, I am not so forgiving 24hrs after 9/11 there wouldn't have been a Country left standing that funds, gives safe haven and trains terrorist, they would have been leveled. Hard-line yes but that's the way it made me feel. This is one of the questions I asked on the Movie thread last week, had any of you US guys ever seen UNDER SIEGE starring Peter Strauss it was made in 1985 about terrorist attacking the US mainland, it was a WARNING 20 years previous but fell on deaf ears. The rest they say is History. God Bless all those who lost their lives.
My son was there in the recovery mode with USAR Team 8 and has only spoken to us about it in the last year or so. Fortunately, he seems well both physically and mentally, so we're much luckier than a lot of folks. As 9/11 is our wedding anniversary, it is a cruel reminder that some were not as fortunate as we've been.

WOW, seven years already. I can remember for some reason I was up late that night and watched it live on tv, it was sort of surreal like on a movie.

Last night I watched a documentary about the conspiracy theories involving the adjacent Number Seven building which collapsed a few hours after the Twin Towers went down. Only a complete idiot would think a government had destroyed that building for some political gain. Sad to say there isn't a shortage of complete idiots in the world :eek:
I still have the images burned into my memory, it is a day all free men should never forget! I only ask that we all take a small moment of silence this Thursday for the men and women lost in the attack.

Regards to all,
I was actually on my way to one of the World Trade Center buildings, where the Court of Claims used to be located, when the first plane hit. I missed that, because I was on the 4 Train (subway), but when I got off at Fulton Street (about 5 blocks away) I called my Secretary Kim on my cell phone to tell her one of the Twin Towers was on fire. She told me that a commuter plane had hit the tower (which was the initial report) and as I crossed Fifth Avenue at Fulton Street I remember commenting "what kind of idiot pilot hits a building?" when I heard an enormous explosion and simultaneously heard my secretary scream through the phone, looked up and saw the fireball from the second plane's impact less than five blocks away. I didn't know what to think. I asked Kim whether she thought I should continue to court or head back to the office, and she gave me some great advice: "Get back on the subway and get the H@ll out of Manhattan - this is a terrorist attack!" I caught what must have been one of the last subways out of Manhattan back to my office in downtown Brooklyn. I remember watching the towers fall from Suite 2710 at 26 Court Street. When the cloud of debris and dust from the falling towers crossed the East River you couldn't even see the other end of the Brooklyn Bridge. I knew my then fiancee, now wife, was safely in Queens making a court appearance, so I called her family to tell them she was allright (I figured she would forget, and I was right). What I really remember was the fear and uncertainty over the next week or so. Trying to contact friends and loved ones who worked in the area. My best friend Billy's wife nancy was safe - they were so overjoyed that I became a godfather almost exactly 9 months later. Sadly, our dear friend George's younger brother didn't make it out - his body was never found, and the family had to bury a photograph.

For me, however, the saddest thing is that as I see it, the terrorists won. They wanted to cause such fear that America would dramatically change for the worse, and it worked. We gave up hard fought for and earned freedoms 200+ years in the making in the stroke of the president's pen on the Patriot Act, and many Americans still approach life with the addage "what will keep us safe" formost on their minds.

I see it differently. They caught us with our pants down, and it will never happen again. We don't need a Patriot Act, or a Department of Homeland Security, we need to be brave and alert, and the next time someone tries to take over a plane with a boxcutter knife, the terrorist will face 100+ tough angry and vengeful Americans, who will shove the boxcutter up said terrorist's @ss.
A sad day and sad memories. God rest all the poor souls who lost their lives. Alan
Compelling stuff. To see it on TV was one thing, to be right in the middle of it must have been a whole other ballgame, glad you took your secretaries advice and got out of there.

Oz, I saw the same show you did; it goes much deeper than that. The whack jobs who claim there was a conspiracy also said among other things charges were planted in the twin towers and detonated so the buildings would collapse, the cell phone calls from flight 93 were not real and that plane was actually shot down, the fighter jets which coul have shot down the second plane that hit the twin towers were told to stand down and building #7 was also detonated to keep all the records contained within from being found which would have proved the government was in on this.

The main people behind this theory are several 20 somethings who have a website and are making money from all of this, so connect the dots.

I was working in DC on Sept. 11. At that time my office looked across the Potomac directly at Reagan National Airport - couple miles from the Pentagon. When I got in that morning a few people were watching the TV reports out of NY, but most thought it was some type of accident until the second plane hit the trade center. At that point you could actually see people coming to the realization that this was an intentional act. I remember just when the TV started showing the evacuation of the White House that we realized it was hitting the fan. About that point someone told us the Pentagon had been hit. We had a panoramic view from the windows of the whole scene - black smoke rising hundreds of feet in the air. Leaving the city I drove right past the Pentagon - there were people standing everywhere watching. All while the radio was reporting that other planes were unaccounted for maybe heading to DC as in fact one plane was. Someone remarked it was similar to being at Pearl Harbor.

In retrospect, what sticks with me beyond the loss of life was simply how unprepared everyone was for a situation like that one. Even the military couldn't scramble an armed fighter over DC for hours, the traffic situation was unbelievable, the phones didn't work etc. It was clear there was little on no planning for any disaster - intentional or otherwise at that point. Many people seemed shocked into total inaction. Hopefully, that is a lesson learned.
Compelling stuff. To see it on TV was one thing, to be right in the middle of it must have been a whole other ballgame, glad you took your secretaries advice and got out of there.

Oz, I saw the same show you did; it goes much deeper than that. The whack jobs who claim there was a conspiracy also said among other things charges were planted in the twin towers and detonated so the buildings would collapse, the cell phone calls from flight 93 were not real and that plane was actually shot down, the fighter jets which coul have shot down the second plane that hit the twin towers were told to stand down and building #7 was also detonated to keep all the records contained within from being found which would have proved the government was in on this.

The main people behind this theory are several 20 somethings who have a website and are making money from all of this, so connect the dots.


Hi George, I only caught the last ten minutes or so of the documentary which focused on Building No 7 as they called it. It was very obvious that the only people that supported the conspiracy theory were those with some monetary gain in mind or were politically motivated, or both.

At the end of the documentary they said the official finding was that Building No 7 was the first tall building to be destroyed by fire alone. If that statement is true then that is bs because the side of Building No 7 that was facing the tower suffered a great deal of structural damage from blast and falling debris from the adjacent Tower(s) before the fires took hold. Therefore building No 7 did not collapse from fire alone.
I went to NY in June of this year which was my first ever visit to the US.
When we saw Ground Zero and the gap in the skyline where the towers once stood it brings a lump to your throat and the emotions consume you.

I will never forget those tragic and horrifying events and my thoughts are with you all on this sad day.
I watched MSNBC this morning where they replayed the live broadcast from 9/11/01. I still get teary eyed watching.
I watched MSNBC this morning also. I couldn,t stop watching it. They replay the Today Show from 9-11-01 every year on the anniversary.
It,s been 7 years now, however every time I see the films from 9-11, I still can,t believe it.
One of the best documentories on 9-11 is the film done by two Frenchman who just happened to be doing a documentory on a rookie FDNY fireman.
I,ll probably have to watch it tonight again.
Don,t know if this is well known but quite a few NYPD people have died since 9-11 as a result of working at the scene.
Who wants to see that history channel documentary the starts tonight

I will have to see it later unfortunately I have to get up at 5 50 am:mad:

Taking time for a moment of silence and one day I personally will never forget,
Seven years later, today is still an extremely difficult day to get through for me.

Been watching The History Channel pretty much since about 3:00pm (I had to load up the van for two shows this weekend in the am and ship out a bunch of orders as well) and will do so until about 11:00pm.

The one thing that continues to and always will haunt me is the sheer senselessness of the act and the countless thousands of lives it effected.

I think of all the mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, boyfriends, girlfriends, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, grandfathers and grandmothers who never got the chance to say goodbye face to face with their loved ones.

I've never quite looked at life the same way again since 9/11; everyday is a blessing and we need to let all of those in our lives know how much we love them.Wow, wow, WOW; just this second my girlfriend called to tell me she loves me.........................I'm speechless at this point.

God bless all of those who perished that terrible day.

Vick and all others who will never forget that terrible today!
My Heart still bleeds for all those lost on 9/11, it is on the short list of days in my life that I will always remember where I was and what I was doing. It's as if God sears it all, even the smallest points into your mind and you can relive it moment by moment.
It truly breaks my heart the such a limited group of people with so skewed a perspective as the media and there ilk want to forget that day, never show our pain but show every terrorist video instantly and say our lifestyle is some how to blame.
I will never forget, my prayers will always be with them and all those that protect the USA. Our greatest tribute is to never, ever let anything like this happen again.
God Bless America
I had mentioned earlier that my son was on San Diego Urban Search and Rescue Team Task Force Eight. I didn't mention that he showed us large sized photos (about 12x24 inches) of the destruction from ground level. Given the amount of destruction shown, it's understandable that relatively few have been released by FEMA to show to the public. One just can't image how high the debris was stacked . . .

For many years (going back well before 9/11) there has been a bond between the FDNY and SDFD, thus members of TF-8 knew many of those lost in the tragedy. A good friend of mine is a retiree from FDNY Truck Two . . . all of those present at the WTC were lost. His son was working in one of the towers; he was spared, but all of his employees were lost. Had he not run an errand for someone, he'd have been lost as well. The finger of fate is indeed fickle.

Many of the team have respiratory problems, including two chiefs whom I've heard speak. We are fortunate that our son has apparently escaped these problems, at least for now. We mourn those who were lost.

For me, however, the saddest thing is that as I see it, the terrorists won. They wanted to cause such fear that America would dramatically change for the worse, and it worked. We gave up hard fought for and earned freedoms 200+ years in the making in the stroke of the president's pen on the Patriot Act, and many Americans still approach life with the addage "what will keep us safe" formost on their minds.

I see it differently. They caught us with our pants down, and it will never happen again. We don't need a Patriot Act, or a Department of Homeland Security, we need to be brave and alert, and the next time someone tries to take over a plane with a boxcutter knife, the terrorist will face 100+ tough angry and vengeful Americans, who will shove the boxcutter up said terrorist's @ss.

To add my two cents, this was too perfect an act for certain people in our gov't. It went a long to change policies and shift power and sell it to the population.

I was walking downtown from a meeting I had at the old Bankers Trust building. As I got further downtown, I began to see people walking uptown covered in white ash. Some had injuries. I watched a man in a suit crumble in a doorway - just fell to his knees and some people went to aid. I saw two men in BMW driving downtown as fast as they could nearly hitting a lot of pedestrians along the way and they didn't seem to care. As I got down to Houston Street and then closer to Canal to walk over the Manhattan Bridge, I saw just smoke, ash, the smell was horrible and then I was told to head back uptown - that the city was locked down and the bridges were closed.

I miss the people I knew who never came out.
I was actually on my way to one of the World Trade Center buildings, where the Court of Claims used to be located, when the first plane hit. I missed that, because I was on the 4 Train (subway), but when I got off at Fulton Street (about 5 blocks away) I called my Secretary Kim on my cell phone to tell her one of the Twin Towers was on fire. She told me that a commuter plane had hit the tower (which was the initial report) and as I crossed Fifth Avenue at Fulton Street I remember commenting "what kind of idiot pilot hits a building?" when I heard an enormous explosion and simultaneously heard my secretary scream through the phone, looked up and saw the fireball from the second plane's impact less than five blocks away. I didn't know what to think. I asked Kim whether she thought I should continue to court or head back to the office, and she gave me some great advice: "Get back on the subway and get the H@ll out of Manhattan - this is a terrorist attack!" I caught what must have been one of the last subways out of Manhattan back to my office in downtown Brooklyn. I remember watching the towers fall from Suite 2710 at 26 Court Street. When the cloud of debris and dust from the falling towers crossed the East River you couldn't even see the other end of the Brooklyn Bridge. I knew my then fiancee, now wife, was safely in Queens making a court appearance, so I called her family to tell them she was allright (I figured she would forget, and I was right). What I really remember was the fear and uncertainty over the next week or so. Trying to contact friends and loved ones who worked in the area. My best friend Billy's wife nancy was safe - they were so overjoyed that I became a godfather almost exactly 9 months later. Sadly, our dear friend George's younger brother didn't make it out - his body was never found, and the family had to bury a photograph.

For me, however, the saddest thing is that as I see it, the terrorists won. They wanted to cause such fear that America would dramatically change for the worse, and it worked. We gave up hard fought for and earned freedoms 200+ years in the making in the stroke of the president's pen on the Patriot Act, and many Americans still approach life with the addage "what will keep us safe" formost on their minds.

I see it differently. They caught us with our pants down, and it will never happen again. We don't need a Patriot Act, or a Department of Homeland Security, we need to be brave and alert, and the next time someone tries to take over a plane with a boxcutter knife, the terrorist will face 100+ tough angry and vengeful Americans, who will shove the boxcutter up said terrorist's @ss.

Louis, you can't think of it as the terrorist won! This is just one battle in a long war. I agree they "caught us with our pants down" and certain things did change since Sept. 11th, however what country doesn't adapt, doesn't make changes when their national security is threatened. For one to say that the terrorist would hopefully meet 100+ angry vengeful Americans on a commuter flight is one thing but in actuallity it would never happen. I would love to believe that most people would fight rather then standby and watch the events as they unfold but you have to keep in mind that these flights consist of woman, children and alot of men who follow the old mind set of "Flight before fight". It was a rough day to say the least alot of good people died and should never ever be forgotten as long as this nation stands, but never give the terrorist the benefit of the doubt and say they won. Because if you think that, then not only have we lost the battle but the war as well. "God bless the USA"

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