Sherman firefly & Cromwell (2 Viewers)

yes i have seen this photo too.....

thanks for the info

Here is a photo of a modern repaint of an Irish Guards Firefly. Notice how the blue square is filled in with a dark colour to make it more visible. The other thing is that the tank number (1, 2, 3, and sometimes 4) would be inside the geometric symbol.

View attachment 85768
Wouldn't it have been easier to change the yellow square to blue and not upset the Irish? ^&grin

How did you change the 53 to a 52?



Simply apply "52" (over 53) and burnish with the protective paper it comes with. If you later want to sell your tank and keep the original marking do not coat with clear matte paint as this will make it permanent. Simply peel off "53" using an adhesive tape.



I wonder whats coming this summer?!:wink2:


The decals can easily be removed without damaging the paintwork and, can either be repainted or, decals can be bought and applied. Thier are many on the market which, can be used either dry rub or slide decal. I would presume this is what Guy has done

Absolutely right Mitch. I repainted the red square and I used dry rub decals to do the trick. I finished by putting a coating of matt varnish over the new number 52;
I think I will just leave it as an Irish Guards tank (53) that they left outside a pub and was "borrowed" by the Coldstream Guards to drive back to base. They were able to just redo the square symbols in Coldstream yellow with materials at hand. ^&grin

Looking at that Cromwell reminds me of a story I read last night in Panzertruppen 1 wrt the Grant. There's a German report that even though they were having a rough time penetrating the armor in the beginning, just getting a hit on the tank would cause the rivets to fail & spray the inside of the crew compartment with flying metal.
I recently picked up that Cromwell and let me tell you boys at $145 its a steal! Its a very detailed piece and an excellent addition to any D-Day collection. Its become on of my very favourites from that range. :cool:


I wonder whats coming this summer?!:wink2:


I think that's been answered in the other thread from Gordon at K&C hey Rob?? Bet you can't wait to add the new Humber armoured car and Daimler dingo to your armoured column!! I know i can't wait..

I think that's been answered in the other thread from Gordon at K&C hey Rob?? Bet you can't wait to add the new Humber armoured car and Daimler dingo to your armoured column!! I know i can't wait..


Tom, it's like you read my mind my friend! Can't wait to add them to the column, I might have to
either take some fresh pics or make a whole new dio .

Let Hope with kc making a Cromwell there make a Challenger and Comet tank as all your need is a change of turret as the hull the same as the Cromwell
Let Hope with kc making a Cromwell there make a Challenger and Comet tank as all your need is a change of turret as the hull the same as the Cromwell

I'd be all over a Comet tank! Always liked the look of them.


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