Should see January releases soon (1 Viewer)

Is John doing the club figures anymore? I thought he stopped.


I always liked the club figures but noticed that there haven't been any recently. So I'm interested in their status as well.
I always liked the club figures but noticed that there haven't been any recently. So I'm interested in their status as well.

Is John doing the club figures anymore? I thought he stopped.


Good Question ... that I don't have an answer to give. .... but I HOPE NOT.{sm2}

The club figures are (were) always unique and very well done. I have modified a couple to work with the JJD 1812 BCH British.
They cold be used to fill in holes until John got around to adding that figure/pose.

Let's hope that he is just super busy pushing out many other incredible figures.

--- LaRRy
Thinking John maybe taking a gap month to consolidate. If so, works for me, still dealing with Christmas expenses. Robin.
Thinking John maybe taking a gap month to consolidate. If so, works for me, still dealing with Christmas expenses. Robin.

I agree Robin . . . The way its looking I would not be surprised if the next releases will be in February . . .
I think John has earned a gap month as there were none in 2017. John announced his Feb. 2017 releases on Jan. 20 last year and we are only 9 days from that so it would seem February releases will be next up. Just as well as I'm about a year behind anyways.:wink2: -- Al
I think John has earned a gap month as there were none in 2017. John announced his Feb. 2017 releases on Jan. 20 last year and we are only 9 days from that so it would seem February releases will be next up. Just as well as I'm about a year behind anyways.:wink2: -- Al
Well, the new releases for Jan. are going up. So much for a gap month. Shows what I know.:rolleyes2: :wink2: -- Al
Well better late than never as they say. Only a couple of weeks before they are released at the end of the month. Robin.

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