Single Pieces vs. Range (1 Viewer)

Sgt. 403

May 13, 2009
So I've been steadily chugging along on the ACW range, having picked up most of the Confederate infantry. I branched out to BOB, although at a slower pace. Along the way, I've been tempted by Knights, Napoleonics, D-Day, etc. And now the new Greeks. I love the colors, and the painting on the shields looks excellent.

So now I'm wondering, should I forget about the ranges, and just pick up pieces, regardless of range, that I like? Does anybody else do this? I know most everybody just collects WWII. If I did it, any suggestions on displaying them? I liked the race car cases that someone posted a while ago. Right now, I have them on some bookshelves, but grouped. Would a mish-mash look strange, as opposed to them being in a case, where obviously they were meant as stand alones?

I realize that buying from any range would cut back on any large dioramas, as I probably wouldn't be buying enough of any one range to make anything. I know in the end, you do what makes you happy, but before I jump into it, wanted to get the opinion of more veteran collectors. Thanks.
This is a real matter of personal choice. I've been collecting forever and it is a very, uh, uncentered collection. As I mentioned on another thread, I have figures from 20 different makers, vehicles from 8, aircraft from 5, all in a half dozen scales. There are a total of 16 periods/wars covered, as well. I don't worry about being a completest or mixing periods or figures on the same shelves. I do what I like and appeals to me. There are a huge number of collectors that don't do WW2, or like me, collect many other periods along with it. WW2 is about 1/3 of my collection. I just love the variety of types and periods available. Have fun with the hobby. -- Al
I think the new Greek figures are stirring a lot of positive excitement in the hobby.
I have been collecting since 2007 and started out with only WWII. Delved into other periods: Alamo,American Revolution, Napoleonic,and settled upon keeping the Alamo
figures (about 80 total) and got rid of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic items to permit display room for my favorite line "WWII".That being said I can already see the new Greek figures being delivered to my doorstep as they are too awesome and stunning to pass up.I think another collecting technique if room is an issue could be to occassionally swap out display shelves of items to change things up now and then. Like LANCER said it is all about personal choice here as this is what will really count in the end. What makes "YOU HAPPY". Happy Collecting to All :)
I would echo what others have said, to buy what you like and what makes you happy. For reference, I have figures scattered across 8-9 different eras/conflicts, and typically buy items that get my attention. I have found over time that I'm not usually interested in being a completest for any one series, as there are typically releases in a series that I don't find that interesting (how many iterations of a figure from a certain time period do you need, unless building a large scale display maybe). Actually getting into other eras/periods has peaked interest in reading more on that era, and hence learning/enjoying the history more. All part of the fun in my opinion.
I also echo what the other guys said, and in my case I only collect WWII, mainly K&C, but I also have Figarti, Honour Bound and Collectors Showcase. Anyway, the answer is the same: either one or many periods, one must collect what gives him pleasure. The whole idea behind this wonderful hobby is fun, and YOU are the only one to know what delivers the most. IMO the is no "correct" collecting technic; what there is is the "happy" collecting feeling...{sm4}
Sarge as long as u will be collecting u will be asking
urself questions. New ranges come out, should i or not??
I really like this range, maybe i ????
there is no rule in collecting
What u like and can afford is only way to go
and remember what u buy u always can sell
Sarge as long as u will be collecting u will be asking
urself questions. New ranges come out, should i or not??
I really like this range, maybe i ????
there is no rule in collecting
What u like and can afford is only way to go
and remember what u buy u always can sell

Be sure to keep all of the boxes as it is a big plus if you ever do sell something.
I only collect WWII ,but I have a friend who's collection starts with Adam and Eve so to speak and stretches out until the war in Korea. I must admit it is a wonderful collection, very colourful.Every era has its proper shelf or place in the collection . Mine is very complete as far as WWII is concerned but his collection covers 20 centuries of armies and soldiers. It is 100% a matter of personal choice
I started out determined to keep things limited to WWII, but over time, I dropped several WW2 ranges and focused more on a smaller number of WWII ranges. Now I am paring down my WWII even more and collecting pieces I like from other eras, even if it is just a few pieces from an era I like. Although the majority of what I have is from K&C, I will buy from any manufacturer.

I don't do large dios, and AFVs have become so expensive I can get only a few each year, so very small groups of figures from many colourful eras is the way I am going now.

Variety is the spice of life mate-if you see something you really like and can afford it, my sugestion would be to grab it.{sm3}

My interest is mainly WW2, but I have an interest in many other era's too.

One of the things I really like about K&C is their single figures and small sets.

With a little creativity you can produce alsorts of small displays with only a handful of figures etc from a wide range of era's.

It makes for an interesting collection and I find I appreciate the figures even more.

The main thing is to have fun doing it.{sm4}

The GREAT thing about this hobby is that there is no RIGHT or WRONG. Do whatever is fun and enjoyable.

The good thing is that, should you decide to switch directions there is ALWAYS someone who is interested in what you have so there is never a fear of getting stuck with items that don't fit you goals any longer.

For me I started across a broad range of AWI / WWII and ACW. After a while I learned what I was really niterested in and what was fun - FOR ME. There are many factors (cost of the items / space / display or diorama and much more).
For me I found the American Revolution and DAK are my favs. I am also more of a History/Diorama kinda' guy.

Welcome and enjoy the hobby and this forum.

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