I supported RFK and did a little bit in the campaign and his death left a hole in my heart, which has never healed. I believe that the world might be a different place had he become president although I’m not sure 1968 would have been his year. At any rate, I’m conflicted about his parole. Obviously the prosecutors did too because for the first time they didn’t send anyone to the hearing. I don’t want to see him paroled but I believe Senator Kennedy would have felt otherwise because he was a man of compassion.
If his parole is not blocked, he will be deported to Lebanon and we will never hear about him again in his lifetime until he dies.
On a side note, June is the cruelest month for me: on June 5, RFK was shot, and on June 8, eight years later, my father died of a heart attack. The hurt in both cases never stops.