Slow forum performance (1 Viewer)


Mar 27, 2008
Anyone else noticing slow performance in the forum? There is a noticeable lag now, for a process to finish. I see it in navigating around the forum--selecting a thread from the index and waiting to transition to that page, navigating back to the index (I click the New Posts link, generally); paging within a thread; and in adding posts.

For anyone replying to this thread, please include info about how you connect and the browser and operating system you use. It may be helpful to the IT staff.

I'm running Win7 Pro, using Chrome 54 and Firefox 50.0.02, connecting on my company's Internet connection. Unfortunately, I don't know my connection speed, and when I asked my network people, they gave me a hard time about it. But hopefully the info I can provide helps.

yup - me too
running windows something or other with google chrome. I have 100mbps download speed, so that isn't the issue
Hey guys -

I'm noticing it too. My new forum IT guy looked into it and isn't finding an issue. Perhaps my web host is doing some backup work? Let's give it a bit of time and see if it works itself out.
Using an iPhone 6s, Safari, 4G network, between 2-6 seconds to open a page
Thought it was just me, definate performance lag for days....I may be slow to the game but did this start about the time I noticed the new next/last post links when not logged in?
It's been very noticeable the last few days. Posting this I had a lag. In my office, I'm using the latest version of Chrome with a very fast internet connection. The lag is the same on my iPhone 6plus and my iMac running the latest operating system and safari.
Hey guys -

I'm noticing it too. My new forum IT guy looked into it and isn't finding an issue. Perhaps my web host is doing some backup work? Let's give it a bit of time and see if it works itself out.

As an IT guy, i do not think it is going to work itself out since it has been over 24 hours. I don't see that frequently used content is any faster than old content (warming up the cache) or something like that that would right itself over time.
I had a right old time Sunday posting all the London Show photos, took about 25% longer than usual.

Hehe, we're really spoiled! Remember dial-up and 56k modems?{eek3} When I click on a link, the corresponding page takes 5-6 seconds to open, but loads completely with all graphics displayed. Don't know what is causing the delay, but it could just be the server filtering out pings from the myfilestore botnet.

Very slow, use Win7 Service Pack 1 with all current updates, Mozilla 50.0.2, 18 mbit, Germany
Slow here also...thought it was the cold weather.

Windows 7 Pro - IE 11
Yeah, I thought it was my Mac too. So, I spent all morning yesterday deleting pics, vids and other stuff off my computer to see if would run faster. Then I saw this headline thread and found out that I too am victim of the latest lag on TFT. Yes, a victim. This lag is ruining my TFT connections with my fellow comrades in arms and collectors and has caused much distress. I fear we have been hacked by some Communist regime or something.

John from Texas

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