Some Bad News Lads and Ladies (3 Viewers)

Hi Scott,

I am really sorry for you losing your Mum like that, mate. I have been a member on here a while and know that you are much younger than most of us. Feels like we have watched you, via this hobby, grow and mature and you have always been very passionate about your soldiers. We know your Mum was a very big supporter of yours and it sounds like she is very proud of you. Hope you find some peace in the next short while and know our thoughts are with you...


I dont know how to say this or where to put this thread but i would just like to say all my thoughts are with young Scott .
His mother just past away on Monday and i dont really have the words to say
All my thoughts are with you mate
Best regards Scott
Re: Arnhemmad44

Sending thought and prayers to you and your family Scott. If I can help in any way. Please let me know. Brad
Sad to hear of your loss Scott, our thoughts are with you and your family at this time.
Kind Regards.
Some of you know that my mum had been fighting leukemia since last summer. She got the all clear on her birthday, the 29th of November,and the whole family had an amazing Christmas and New Year, unfortunately in mid January she was told her Leukemia had came back and she fought it until 2 weeks ago when she was told that there was nothing that could be done anymore and that she only had a few weeks left. The family including myself was devistated but she told us not to be sad and she literally spent her last 2 weeks organising everything for her own funeral and saying goodbye to friends and family. My Mum Joan Nisbet passed away last night, Monday the 11th of March 2013. Myself, my dad and my cousin were with her up until the end. She went off peacefully in her sleep and as far as I'm concerned she beat her leukemia as it was not that which killed her. Had it been the leukemia she would have been in pain.

My mum always encouraged my hobbies as though she saw them as expensive she viewed them positively as in her words 'He could be spending his money on worse things'. My mum always let me use her PayPal account for ebay or any online transactions and I used to give her the cash (I thought) but I know that she used to pay a large chunk of it and tell me I'd already paid her!

She was the greatest woman I have ever met, she was a workaholic, she was a manager of a doctor's surgery and her colleagues loved her. Her friends and family always held a special place in her heart and believe me she was the greatest mum in the world, she always inspired me to do well, supported and encouraged me to use my mind before jumping into situations. She got the loft done up just for me so I could put my collections out on show, but before she did that she used to let me set my dioramas up on two huge wooden tables which we had in the garage in the living room or up in my room.

My mum is responsible for a large part of my collection and I will always remember the pieces she suprised me with! At King and Country events my mum used to drive me down and walk around the show room with me without a complaint. She really enjoyed seeing and speaking with the K&C UK gang and even asked Andy to sign my staghound armoured car box at a Londown Show a few years ago.

Thanks for reading lads!


Dear Scott,
That was a very nice tribute to your mum.
I am sorry for your lose.
Re: Arnhemmad44

Thanks very much Scott, bud, really nice of you to do this. Everyone says I'm coping well but i have had so much support its been brilliant to know how many people are there for me.

Thanks guys!

Re: Arnhemmad44

Thanks very much Scott, bud, really nice of you to do this. Everyone says I'm coping well but i have had so much support its been brilliant to know how many people are there for me.

Thanks guys!


Sorry to hear all of this........wishing you well Mate

Your Mom raised a fine son. You wrote a wonderful tribute. Hang Tough during this difficult time and try to remember you have a lot of friends here willing to help you out.

All My Best,
Scott....Iam very sorry to hear this news...My sincerest condolences to you and your family. Your mother sounded like a kind, courageous and faith-filled woman....You and your family will be in my prayers. Sincerely Frank
Thank you everyone!

This post is a celebration of her life as is any thoughts and memories of her!:smile2:

Hi Scott - sorry for your loss.

We all know that this is the way of life. But when it's happening it's still sad and hard to take.
Enjoy every day on this planet and keep your mum in your heart.

Hi Scott

so so sorry to hear about your mam, she was great fun and no doubt great fun all the way.
I have told Mike and we are very upset here. Mike used to have great fun with your mum on the phone when she called up, but she knew how to take him :)
she did good in you lad and she will be very proud.

when you look at your collection she will be there with you.

be strong

Tony, Mike and the rest of the K&C UK gang

My father passed away at a young age (62) 7 years's easy to see just how devoted he was to me now that I have my own kids.

I'm certain your mother has instilled goodness within you as my father has done for me. God Bless!


I am the same age as you. My heart sank to the floor when I read your post. I thought about how awful it must be to be in your situation and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and your family for staying strong through all of this. Know that everyone on here is your friend and we are here to lend an ear. I cannot express my deepest sympathy in any words. Your mother will be missed but she knew she was loved by all. If you ever need to talk, give me a holler!!

God bless,

Hi Scott

so so sorry to hear about your mam, she was great fun and no doubt great fun all the way.
I have told Mike and we are very upset here. Mike used to have great fun with your mum on the phone when she called up, but she knew how to take him :)
she did good in you lad and she will be very proud.

when you look at your collection she will be there with you.

be strong

Tony, Mike and the rest of the K&C UK gang

Thank you Tony!

Thanks everyone.^&grin My collection is in my loft so when I go up there it's almost like being with my mum as I have lots of her things up there like perfumes and bags and stuff she used and I know somewhere she's watching me and maybe understanding the enthusiam I have for the hobby, then again she seemed to always understand it any way haha!^&grin


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