Some Vintage Figures (1 Viewer)

Somebody posted a picture on the "show your face thread" of a gentleman and a Marilyn Monroe look alike. I am sure the caption said that the gentleman was you. I trust I am not getting mixed up.
Damian Clarke
Thought I'd add these trophy figures to this thread they're from earlier sets that I pick up from ebay with some damage but for $50.00 plus shipping and handling I couldn't pass on them. They are from the Sudan period and I believe from sets of the Royal Marines. I couldn't pass up adding another photo of them facing off against a group of attacking Zulu Warriors adding a single figure from Trophy of a Marine Colour-Sergeant from a later casting....The Lt.



These are indeed Royal Marines from Trophy's Sudan range. They are the earlier "skinny" figures and you even have some round base versions. I have an early (skinny) set of three standing and three kneeling firing, but without bayonets.
Mike the set of Marines are a mixed bag One standing firing with a bayonet the other without you picked up on the rest of the figures in the photos. The later casting is a single figure I picked up a the Dedham, MA show and the set it came from is now available from The Old Toy Soldier Home listed as set HS3 Marine vs Dervish. A photo of him is posted in reply #74 of the Trophy Thread and also the same figure is featured in a Zulu Hand to Hand set in reply #74. The only difference between the two is the helmets and uniforms....Joe (aka The Lt.)
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I bough my set at the Chicago Show from Joe Saine a couple of years ago, but with no box.
I bough my set at the Chicago Show from Joe Saine a couple of years ago, but with no box.

Mike check out the Trophy Thread I'm posting a hand to hand set of the Royal Marine Officer.......The Lt.

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