One of the few pictures I could find of the German anti-tank gun bunker from the first Conte D-Day playset. This also had an interior and removeable roof to allow for a Pak40 anti-tank gun to be emplaced. In this photograph I simply slid the paint master in front of one of the backdrops I painted for the Studio. In my travels through Europe I noticed various concrete shelters and bunkers overgrown along countryside roads and this was my inspiration for the setting.
All the Best,
Hudson & Allen Studio
Dioramas & Scenic Supplies
Thank You! The downside of the originals are that they can get heavy and this makes them difficult to ship. When I do displays for Museums they are generally hand delivered to insure that there is little or no damage. The other advantage to hand delivery is that if there is any touch up work then it can be done on the spot.
When these patterns were made I had to design in 'block out' so that the molds would last long enough to pull 40-50 parts before the silicone had to be replaced. As a result I feel that some of the details could have been better...and always are on one of a kind models.
The only way around this is to do a fair amount of hand finishing here in the studio...and I am looking into a practicle way to do very small runs in the near future. If you had a chance to see the customized one I made for ONWTC a few years ago I extended the church to twice the size and made the rafters and purlins see through as they would be, added doors, windows and 'frescos' on the interior walls. The next time I do this it will be even better as I have much more research for interiors now. With this said, I doubt that I would even bother to start with the foam model made for Conte as it is impossible to get any more, and I would want to use a different design.
Thanks Again!
Ken Osen
If you want to show off some of your work for some hard core and very appreciative collectors, we would love to have you as a special guest at the New York Symposium the second weekend next March!
Okay anyone else a crane lover out there?
Here are two Marklin Crane dioramas I put together, both can be operated
as they sit by simply plugging them into transformer.
Buckets are quite rare and made by Wiad.
I have been searching for a Grabber also by Wiad for 3 years now.
Controller on bottom photo is just restingdoesn't go there.
Njja, you have in your collection some of the coolest stuff outthere, where do you fit it allI have a simple crane
, winder at the side, marklin coal depot, yours look like more fun
The guy with the shovel is a del prado train driver