Njja, thanks for posting the resin para and other pics of your Conte buildings. Looks like we share the same good taste.
Always glad to post a few photos!
Hi there!
I agree that some detail was lost in duplication, although I know that the first 250 sets were very nice with good paint jobs as I helped pack those while I was working for Richard.
As far as the last sets I posted images of I never did see them after the originals were shipped from here. The sniper was a nice figure and the original had a scope that I turned from Brass to match the 1:1 scale one I had here on loan at the time. I was dissappointed to see the resin copy as the moldmaker used at the time had filled in around the scope mounts and there was a defect along the side of the reciever of the G-43. If you get your hands on a metal copy youi should be able to clean this up.
I would love to get one of these to paint myself...
All the best, Ken
Taking a break from sculpting new figures for the W.Britains fall supplement catalog and thought I would post a couple more pictures. This is a photograph of one of the few pieces of the Conte hedgerow series that incorporated a building. This was meant to represent a small French barn or outbuilding that had long ago been overgrown by the hedges on either side. It featured a detailed interior with removable roof. The structure was just big enough to hide a tiger tank or some other nasty surprise inside. I will look for a photograph of the backside of the building with a tiger parked inside. This paint master was followed pretty closely in the production pieces blending the various sets together nicely.
All the Best,
Hudson & Allen Studio
Dioramas & Scenic Supplies