Song Title Game (11 Viewers)

Yo Johnny that doesn't count man! His song had "Dr" in it not "Doctor". Yo GICOP JB is disturbing the force here man! I officially protest. Standing by for an official Song Title Game ruling here man.

John from Texas


Dear John ( yes - a dear John letter!){eek3}{eek3}

Dr. is an abreviation for Doctor - just as Mr. is an abreviation for Mister. It may not be so in your ( should that be yore?) neck of the woods, pardner - but back here in England - it still is - as we still speaka da English - like what she should be spoke, on this side of the pond;( well except for occupants of Northern parts of the country - who still mostly, often speak in a Viking dialect.^&grin)

I think your problems with the tongue may have been exacerbated somewhat, when you were listening for too long when George Dubble-ya was in charge over there!!!{eek3} His English was not often as good as his Geography!

Even though I'm not English myself, having had the good fortune to have been born in Wales ( we call it Cymru BTW) - I do speaka-da-English tolerably well. However, do feel free to contact the organisers of this excellent forum - and check up on the rules of this non-prize-winning, fun competition for clarification of said rules - and I will, of course, abide by their ( should be his - as the Britfarmer started the whole thing off) decision.:D

Comprende Senor?:D Felicitations - and do "Have a Nice Day Y'All"..................{sm3}{sm3}jb ( yet another abreviation - for johnnybach.{sm4}{sm4}
Donald Trump - by Mac Miller

Naughty lyrics - don't listen to this mother, mother{sm2}!

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