Soviet Panther (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
Any chance you will be posting a picture of this one before the show? Thanks again.
I shouldn't, Doug, I hadn't planned to, but as you will be seeing it in 2 days or so, here it is.

See you soon,

Thanks Ana. It looks great. I particularly like the figures and the handpainted appearance of the markings. A nice reality touch. The KC Berlin sets will go great with this - particularly the Russian guards w/German POWs and/or the Russian tank riders. Have a safe trip and best of luck at the show.
Ana,that is a class job.Well done

Yes we do.

I'll have Mandi contact you this morning.

Thanks Peter. Mine is arriving on Thursday - I think UPS uses the same mode of transport as the german field kitchen. :) I have a space set aside for it in my long neglected KC Battle of Berlin collection. Ana - how was the show?
The show was excellent, Doug, thanks.

Let me know what you think about your Soviet Panther when you receive it.

Thanks :)

The show was excellent, Doug, thanks.

Let me know what you think about your Soviet Panther when you receive it.

Thanks :)


I should get it tomorrow. Will provide a pros and cons. I do hope some of the WWII buffs out there make an effort to support the "Eastern Front" which has been woefully neglected in the toy soldier market. There seems to be some perception that it will not sell. That Stephen Ambrose Band of Brothers nonsense only goes so far for any serious collector. So buy, buy, buy.
... There seems to be some perception that it will not sell ...
It's not perception. When the subject of Eastern Front comes up at his talks, Andy always says these sets (Battle for Berlin) do not sell as well as his DD and WS sets. At his talk at the Chicago Show, Andy stated an idea was not worth doing i.e. not commerical enough if K&C could not sell close to a 1000 sets or more.:)
It's not perception. When the subject of Eastern Front comes up at his talks, Andy always says these sets (Battle for Berlin) do not sell as well as his DD and WS sets. At his talk at the Chicago Show, Andy stated an idea was not worth doing i.e. not commerical enough if K&C could not sell close to a 1000 sets or more.:)

Some sets will always sell better than others. For example much depends on where you sell them. I suspect the US K & C dealers don't sell many Streets of Old Hong Kong sets, but K & C still make them. Thankfully sometimes companies do put collectors ahead of commercialism. It's nice to see something different, such as Honour Bounds Soviet Panther etc.
King and Country makes SOHK because they ultimately do well; they're popular in China and Japan for example even if not in the west. However, if a line like Berlin is not doing well period (as in all over the world), why would you continue to throw money at something that's going to lose money.

To say that companies put collectors ahead of commercialism is a noble thought but if companies don't watch the bottom line, there won't be any company. It's a fine line and I'm sure one that every company, no matter their line of business, must tread.
I agree Brad, but it's nice when they issue some items they know won't be a long term success. Model collecting is huge in the Soviet countries, maybe relevant Honour Bound (and K & C) ranges would sell well over there, where are the Soviet dealers :)
I should get it tomorrow. Will provide a pros and cons. I do hope some of the WWII buffs out there make an effort to support the "Eastern Front" which has been woefully neglected in the toy soldier market. There seems to be some perception that it will not sell. That Stephen Ambrose Band of Brothers nonsense only goes so far for any serious collector. So buy, buy, buy.

I think everything that Honour Bound has produced thus far has been excellent, I own two of the Barkmann's and the winter panther, and although I haven't seen them up close yet the field kitchen and bergepanther look terrific, but I just can't stand to see Soviet markings on a great German tank like the panther. Yeah I know both side made use of each other's captured equipment, but a panther with Soviet id on it makes me cringe. Sorry Ana I can't do it, I'll get the German figure sets instead. As for the Band of Brothers " nonsense", I'll take anything having to do with the 101 Airborne over the eastern front, unless it a line of knocked out, blown up, flaming, turretless, riddled with holes T-34's, anyday!

I agree Brad, but it's nice when they issue some items they know won't be a long term success. Model collecting is huge in the Soviet countries, maybe relevant Honour Bound (and K & C) ranges would sell well over there, where are the Soviet dealers :)

Good point Oz. Sometimes a loss leader is not such a bad idea. Of course, I'm only a collector and not a businessman so it's easy for me to say. But you have to wonder when the Russian market will be penetrated.
I should get it tomorrow. Will provide a pros and cons. I do hope some of the WWII buffs out there make an effort to support the "Eastern Front" which has been woefully neglected in the toy soldier market. There seems to be some perception that it will not sell. That Stephen Ambrose Band of Brothers nonsense only goes so far for any serious collector. So buy, buy, buy.

Combat, not sure what you meant by the Stephen Ambrose comment. I'm not a huge Ambrose fan as I don't think he writes that well but it's hard to argue that the Western front has more appeal than the Eastern front.
Combat, not sure what you meant by the Stephen Ambrose comment. I'm not a huge Ambrose fan as I don't think he writes that well but it's hard to argue that the Western front has more appeal than the Eastern front.

If the western front has more appeal it is because of the superficial "Saving Private Ryan" mentality to history that drives the interests of many. Ambrose exploited that to embarrassing levels. That level of historical interest is better than none, but my hope would be that we are not forever limited to the battle of the bulge and d-day to the exclusion of the primary theatre of the war.

Although it is my favorite KC series, I think the Battle of Berlin was a particularly bad choice for KC to kick off a new eastern front set. Stalingrad would have been a better choice for marketing. Brad - I do take issue somewhat with the notion that the eastern front cannot sell. I believe that statement was made previously about the Berlin tenements as though it were fact. The dealers then indicated that they actually sold quite well - it is more likely a weight/shipping issue that may have hindered sales in some respects. Maybe it will never as popular as the western front, but there has to be a market here. I have the same opinion about WWI.
I just can't stand to see Soviet markings on a great German tank like the panther. Yeah I know both side made use of each other's captured equipment, but a panther with Soviet id on it makes me cringe. Sorry Ana I can't do it, I'll get the German figure sets instead.


I have to admit this is one explanation for not buying that would never have occurred to me. Could you expound on it a bit?

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