Spot The Difference (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Nov 12, 2008
Here's a pic of 2 Charging Scots Greys alongside each other. Can anyone spot the difference??? :D

The tails are different and the bottom of the legs are painted differently.
Here's a pic of 2 Charging Scots Greys alongside each other. Can anyone spot the difference??? :D


Hi Octavian,

In addition to the different tails and the different painting on the legs, the horse on the right seems to be painted a darker shade of grey. Is the difference in the shade of grey real or is it a function of the lighting under which you took the picture? Also, do you have an explanation for the differences?

Warmest personal regards,

One of the guards has mouth open the other is closed.

Just realised thats just the angle of the second rider that looks like that.

Other than what everyone else has said cannot see anything else:confused:

PS - What grass has been used?
Here's a pic of 2 Charging Scots Greys alongside each other. Can anyone spot the difference??? :D


Apart from the horse painting the carbine seems to be slung lower on the one at the back?

The rider on the left looks a little more portly.

Can be hard to tell with these as the 2 figs are not exactly bang on side by side.
The reins look different, between the two castings, as does the little tuft of grass at the back. I'd say that the horse castings are different, but the dragoon is the same between the two.
The horse on the right has got 73 spots, whilst the horse on the left has only 61. :)
Is the one behind saying 'I've bloody trodden in it now too'!;)

It is obvious that the furthest one is an Irishman attempting to pass as a Scot. A good Sgt Major would have pulled him out of formation before stable call.
It looks like the swords are different and is there a plume on one of the shakos.
The left horse and rider appear larger to me. As noted the left horse has a lighter grey color, fewer spots and shorter black leg markings. I think the plume is an angle issue but it appears different as noted. The size difference may be a function of the relative distances to the camera.

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