Stalingrad re-release or additions. (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Nov 10, 2006
Thinking along the lines of the re-release of Market Garden figures,
what would you suggest if you could, for a re-release of the Stalingrad line
in terms of German figures or vehicles?
Thinking along the lines of the re-release of Market Garden figures,
what would you suggest if you could, for a re-release of the Stalingrad line
in terms of German figures or vehicles?

An 88 and regular size half-track! And some Italians and Hungarians in eastern front uniform!
There are already FOB Panzer IV's, Stug III's and kubelwagons that could be used for Stalingrad, plus there is a 250/1 halftrack that could be reissued with a panzer grey paint scheme.

I'd love to see a Panzer III, a fighting 251/1 (with troops firing from and jumping off of) and a grey opel Blitz. Also, some basic German troops in fighting poses with the standard German uniform from that campaign.

Would love to see Russians and perhaps a T34/76.

Would also love to see a terrain feature like some rubbled out buildings or a section of a factory complex as well............
I fully agree with George.
To have any display of value i would hope for a few less German variants and some Russian troops or vehicles.If K&C reflects some aspect of history maybe we should remember it was the RUSSIANS that won,not the GERMANS.
Perhaps some of us have forgotten that fact.
I also would like a Stalingrad series, but if Andy said it once, he said it a hundred times, Russians just don,t sell!
The same with Marines & Japs, they also don,t produce revenue.
Understood where you are coming from, but at the same time, collectors I speak with constantly ask about Eastern Front/Pacific items (see the thread over in the CS section about the Pacific).

As Harvey said, the Russians were a major force in WWII and there were huge battles on the Eastern Front.

I had great success with the Berlin range; a Stalingrad or Kursk range would be great IMO, how much desert/Normandy/Bulge stuff can you collect?
Speaking only for myself here but George just named my three favourite ranges!:).D Day,Bulge and North Africa are so good i honestly can't get enough of them!;).However as long as Andy is still producing those three i'd be happy to see some more Russian armour,there is scope for some stunning Russian Tanks.But if Andy says they don't sell well then he does have to consider his business,it wouldn't make much sense to return to a series if you didn't think it would be profitable.

Good points about the Russian role in WW2. Does anyone here actually believe an Allied landing in Europe could have been attempted or even contemplated if the Russians did not have 75% of the German military resources tied down on the EastFront? I sure don't. How about some Russian sailors defending Sabastopol? -- lancer
You just have to read Anthony Beevors 'Stalingrad' or 'Berlin' to appreciate the sacrafice of both the Red Army and the Russian people.

"Speaking only for myself here but George just named my three favourite ranges!:).D Day,Bulge and North Africa are so good i honestly can't get enough of them!;)."

Good point Rob, there are still many more options on the table for those three ranges and perhaps you are right, customers speak with their wallets and those three ranges drive the bus so to speak and perhaps the Eastern Front just does not sell bottom line.

I do love those early Stalingrad sets Andy did, especially the strongpoint, that was/is one of my all time favorite items.......
"Speaking only for myself here but George just named my three favourite ranges!:).D Day,Bulge and North Africa are so good i honestly can't get enough of them!;)."

Good point Rob, there are still many more options on the table for those three ranges and perhaps you are right, customers speak with their wallets and those three ranges drive the bus so to speak and perhaps the Eastern Front just does not sell bottom line.

I do love those early Stalingrad sets Andy did, especially the strongpoint, that was/is one of my all time favorite items.......

Mind you George,having said all that if i had the money and space i'd probably buy almost everything K&C produce;).The T34 is a wonderful model and still one of the best i think.I have always been surprised to hear that the Pacific does also not sell as well,do you find this George?.

i think not taking into account the russians were the main reason nazi germany were defeated the russian uniforms were very bland with not a great deal of variety with few variations,overall there tanks had no camo and did not have the same appeal that german armour and vehicles had some people may get excited about t-34s and JS1s and 2s but i doubt they would sell in numbers compared to a tiger,stug or a panther and id be pretty sure andy would be well aware of this.
Yes it's a strange thing, this preference for the german militaria..maybe one reason is that the Russian (and American) tanks , vehicles etc. were more mass produced , the german tanks were more rare...many of them really fighting prototypes (for example the Tiger Porsche)...nonetheless i don't wonder about this german militaria collecting frenzy , not after reading the very interesting and amusing "Selling Hitler" by Robert Harris that describes the literary hoax of the century!
regarding why Russians don't sell...even I have to admit that early war Russians are bland. The uniforms were bland, it was a peasant army, they were always in large groups (so a 4-man set can't really capture the character too well), and the soldiers were true canon fodder being led to a slaughter. That really changes only after Stalingrad when morale, training, confidence, & even uniform asthestics dramatically improved. By the time of Berlin, these guys were true hardened bad ***** who ate nails for breakfast.

You can find cool tanks throughout however. An immaculate perfectly assembled T-34/1940 (abandoned at the border of course), a T-34/1941 with Leningrad factory applique armor in the Battle for Moscow, lend lease (Lee in 1942 and Sherman/76mm late war my favorites), SU-152 at Kursk, any of the Stalin series, KV-2, or the one that would make any Soldat run for Switzerland...the KV-8 flame tank.

For a Stalingrad theme to be viable, Germans would have to be the centerpiece, and there are so many possibilities prior to encirclement. In the early cityfight they were in a Blitzkrieg style uniform but with some transitioning going on, like Splintertarn helmet covers...or other cut rags. By the time of the last assault in early November you have overcoated pionere's heavily laden with axes, wire cutters, demo charges, flame throwers, grenade bags, etc., & that cute little StuIG33b assualt gun in a nice sinister panzer grey. This would be really cool because it's only been known for about 2 years now what these 12 vehicles were painted like & I haven't even seen a 1/35 scale model on the web painted this way yet. It would be indeed rare to see a toy soldier company beat the hobbyists at their own game. Even the towed SIG 150 is mighty cool in it's own right. And just outside Stalingrad was that Sturer Emil shooting up the steppe & racking up kill rings.

For Kursk, that pretty much exists now, at least for the Germans. The Ferdinand is out, along with the early war dressed W-SS troopers. Much of the Normandy stuff could be used for it...& the Tunisian Tiger needs a simple new paint job for a Kursk Tiger. The captured T-34 would be good too.
"Mind you George,having said all that if i had the money and space i'd probably buy almost everything K&C produce;).The T34 is a wonderful model and still one of the best i think.I have always been surprised to hear that the Pacific does also not sell as well,do you find this George?."

Regarding the Pacific sets; they sold very well for me, maybe I had more Pacific enthusists than most other dealers as customers, who knows. Everytime I come into retired Pacific sets, they don't last long and usually run about 40.00 a figure.

The Pacific is an area of interest for me, the Marines and the island hopping campaign, England and her allies on the mainland in Burma, India, etc, etc, I find those campaigns to be very interesting.

Also, as a kid, every weekend there seemed to be a war movie on tv dealing with the Pacific; Objective Burma, Bataan, Halls of Montezuma, etc, etc..................
the second batch of iwo jima sets that came out were fantastic, but the russian front is what i would love to see. if you have seen film on the retaking of kharkov or other wochen schau tapes you would see endless possibilities. and then late war heavy russian armour, well don't tell me that js, su152 and such wouldn't sell. i just do not believe it. everyone i talk to in the hobby would love to see these done. and george made a good point in that how much normandy,bulge and desert war can we take without a break.
"Mind you George,having said all that if i had the money and space i'd probably buy almost everything K&C produce;).The T34 is a wonderful model and still one of the best i think.I have always been surprised to hear that the Pacific does also not sell as well,do you find this George?."

Regarding the Pacific sets; they sold very well for me, maybe I had more Pacific enthusists than most other dealers as customers, who knows. Everytime I come into retired Pacific sets, they don't last long and usually run about 40.00 a figure.

The Pacific is an area of interest for me, the Marines and the island hopping campaign, England and her allies on the mainland in Burma, India, etc, etc, I find those campaigns to be very interesting.

Also, as a kid, every weekend there seemed to be a war movie on tv dealing with the Pacific; Objective Burma, Bataan, Halls of Montezuma, etc,



Yes there is no doubt War films can play a large part in boosting a range of Toy Soldiers,maybe the Pacific theatre will also get a boost from the forthcoming Spielberg tv series.I also think the Brits and Allies in Burma would be a superb idea.

the second batch of iwo jima sets that came out were fantastic, but the russian front is what i would love to see. if you have seen film on the retaking of kharkov or other wochen schau tapes you would see endless possibilities. and then late war heavy russian armour, well don't tell me that js, su152 and such wouldn't sell. i just do not believe it. everyone i talk to in the hobby would love to see these done. and george made a good point in that how much normandy,bulge and desert war can we take without a break.

Well,if you don't collect Bulge,Desert or Normandy i can of course understand this view.However if like me and a lot of collectors you collect these ranges it is of course an ongoing hobby and so in a way you don't want a break;).Almost every collector of whatever range always has an idea of what he'd like to see next and to be honest its a never ending passion.We could all list hundreds of vehicles and figure sets we'd be happy to see in our collection and therefore would not want any of these ranges to stop or even slow.And to be fair if the Russian series doesn't sell (there are differing opinions on this of course)its not the fault of those of us who collect the ranges that appear to be the biggest sellers.Don't get me wrong i can understand how frustrating it is to see your particular interest area under represented,i'd love to see a home front series but i don' think it will happen.

When it comes down to it Andy and K&C will look at the sales figures and go with what sells,its only natural.Also and this is something that is often forgotten,Andy does have the right to release themes that he has most interest in.I'd like to see Russian armour again in the future and think they would sell well,but theres just something about the figures that tells me they wouldn't.

The Eastern Front issue has been brought many times since I am member (a little more than a year) and I don’t think that it would be any releases for 2009. But I ask you guys to continue asking for anything related to the WAR IN THE EAST special in Stalingrad with Paulus 6th Army.


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