Stalingrad vs new SS (1 Viewer)


Aug 24, 2006
Has anyone notice a change in scale between the Stalingrad line and the new SS , it appears to me that they are not the same scale and was wondering if any one else noticed this.


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Has anyone notice a change in scale between the Stalingrad line and the new SS , it appears to me that they are not the same scale and was wondering if any one else noticed this.

You don't think they pick wimps for the SS, do you??
I asked the same question a few weeks back and got a reply that each range will be the same but there could be a difference between other ranges. Like all the eastern front range will be the same and the western front range will be the same but maybe not the same as each other. The Vietnam range is not the same as the eastern front range I hope this makes sense . Chris.
hehehehhe...the SS guy looks like "Big Foot" Silva from the UFC......sorry I could not resist that.
Weren't all the SS guys all big guys and sort of "super man" ?
I asked the same question a few weeks back and got a reply that each range will be the same but there could be a difference between other ranges. Like all the eastern front range will be the same and the western front range will be the same but maybe not the same as each other. The Vietnam range is not the same as the eastern front range I hope this makes sense . Chris.

Thanks Chris, that's a big disappointment. I hate when a company changes or unable to keep their lines in the same scale.Its a shame, i was looking forward to mixing in the SS with my Stalingrad figures. I guess I will have to stay with the staingrad line.:rolleyes2:
hehehehhe...the SS guy looks like "Big Foot" Silva from the UFC......sorry I could not resist that.
Weren't all the SS guys all big guys and sort of "super man" ?

I was thinking he looks more like Dolf Lundgren with that jaw line. The SS were early on recruited taller I think 5'11 or so but as the War went on the restrictions were loosened, I think the difference here is due to the old factory and sculptor who produced the first batch from the Stalingrad line which were a bit different from the current WWII releases. Well I guess if someone is more interested in focusing on the height of a figure and not the quality of the sculpt and paint job they could pretend its Chuck Norris 5'8 standing next to Dolf 6'5 if it makes them feel better. I think we all can agree they may have different heights but both are pretty badass..... just like these two figures IMO of course:wink2: . regards Gebhard
There does seem to be a difference, but it seems pretty slight to me. Often the camo was worn on top of another uniform so it could be bigger and baggier. Often the scale difference does not look like it could be the difference in body types, but this is close enough to be explained by things like that. It could be a disturbing trend if the variance continues too increase.
I really don't see that much of a difference. Certainly the size difference in the photos are well within the range of typical human sizes. After all, they are models of people, not AFVs with exact dimensions. I would not hesitate to use them in the same scene..

not really an issue that would bother me mind, (HISTORICAL ACCURACY ALERT!!) I can't see a time when I would use a Cleary portrayed Stalingrad soldier with a camo smocked Waffen SS trooper?

If these were LAH troops one only has to look at the heights of the troops in the companies and most were well over the 6 foot mark with several at nearly 7 feet tall. This is not a real issue for me even if there was size difference of this nature it would actually please me as we have as it stands figures roughly all the same size which, in itself is not accurate in the slightest.
It would be interesting to see a SS figure beside one of the 101st figures seeing how they are both "Western Front." Anyone who owns both care to take a few pictures for us?
I had to throw my two cents in here, I think they look really close in size, and if you are looking for realism, as Phantom Warrior (Terry) put it, no two people are exactly alike so I think they will work fine together.

I also have to note that the look on the face of the Stalingrad figure is priceless, especially head on. He has the “German Soldier Sneer” down to perfection. I always loved that figure if for no other reason than his expression.
I am very sorry to say that but the 1st figure is not at all the same scale as the second one but most importantly the paint job on the stalingrad figures face is so much better than on the last release (5 oclock shadow, pupils, blending of shadows and highlights, number of highlights and shadows).
I'm a FL afocionado but please, do not loose your soul FL ! :redface2:
There does seem to be a difference, but it seems pretty slight to me. Often the camo was worn on top of another uniform so it could be bigger and baggier. Often the scale difference does not look like it could be the difference in body types, but this is close enough to be explained by things like that. It could be a disturbing trend if the variance continues too increase.

Completely Agree...It would be a disturbing trend if FL increases the size of their WWII range in order to better match inferior TS products.....hopefully that is not the case....I would have to say there is a slight difference in size but still within the "acceptable range" of 1:30th scale.......I also would hope that the variances within the First Legion WWII Normandy and Stalingrad ranges would "remain minor" so that they can be used together....I really like the new SS Waffen figures as they are very well done.....I don't know if I can use them with my FL Stalingrad figures as that is very likely "historically inaccurate"....Is it Not?:wink2:.... Can anyone advise if the the size of US Normandy figures are the same as the Waffen SS ????....It would be interesting to know:wink2:..... FL Stalingrad is still my favorite FL WII range. :salute:: FIRST LEGION RULES{sm4}
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Completely Agree...It would be a disturbing trend if FL increases the size of their WWII range in order to better match inferior TS products.....hopefully that is not the case....I would have to say there is a slight difference in size but still within the "acceptable range" of 1:30th scale.......I also would hope that the variances within the First Legion WWII Normandy and Stalingrad ranges would "remain minor" so that they can be used together....I really like the new SS Waffen figures as they are very well done.....I don't know if I can use them with my FL Stalingrad figures as that is very likely "historically inaccurate"....Is it Not?:wink2:.... Can anyone advise if the the size of US Normandy figures are the same as the Waffen SS ????....It would be interesting to know:wink2:..... FL Stalingrad is still my favorite FL WII range. :salute:: FIRST LEGION RULES{sm4}

A number of collectors have shown, by their dioramas on this forum, that they actually like it if FL figures are compatable with other brands. The most obvious are K&C Crusaders and Figarti Vietnam. I don't think those collectors would think there is anything disturbing about the sizes of those series. I have no idea if that was by accident or design by Matt/FL but I would guess it has helped the sales of those FL figures. Even you should agree that is a good thing for the FL brand.

Just another way of looking at things rather than the usual 1/30 scale which you like to comment on so much.

A number of collectors have shown, by their dioramas on this forum, that they actually like it if FL figures are compatable with other brands. The most obvious are K&C Crusaders and Figarti Vietnam. I don't think those collectors would think there is anything disturbing about the sizes of those series. I have no idea if that was by accident or design by Matt/FL but I would guess it has helped the sales of those FL figures. Even you should agree that is a good thing for the FL brand.

Just another way of looking at things rather than the usual 1/30 scale which you like to comment on so much.


Well Brett, As usual I completely disagree with you. I believe that First Legion products are increasing in sales with many collectors simply because they are better quality figures with better sculpts and painting. Very simply, FL does not need to change their scale size in order to conform to 1:28th scale products which will not match up to FL in style and quality. It would be in First Legion's best interests to remain consistent in quality and scale....That's why FL customers buy the FL brand.{sm4}...... As for your views, since you are not an FL dealer I can understand why you would want FL to conform to the products that you sell. I buy FL because IMO they are a better value for the money....Superb Scuplts, Excellent Quality Painting, Historically Accurate, Consistent in Subject matter and Scale. First Legion Rules{sm4}
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Well Brett, As usual I completely disagree with you. I believe that First Legion products are increasing in sales with many collectors simply because they are better quality figures with better sculpts and painting. Very simply, FL does not need to change their scale size in order to conform to 1:28th scale products which will not match up to FL in style and quality. It would be in First Legion's best interests to remain consistent in quality and scale....That's why FL customers buy the FL brand.{sm4} As for your views, since you are not an FL dealer I can understand why you would want FL to conform to the products that you sell. I buy FL because IMO they are a better value for the money....Superb Scuplts, Excellent Quality, Historically Accurate, Consistent in Subject matter and Scale. First Legion Rules{sm4}

I don't sell Figarti either but am aware some collectors have been happy to mix their FL/Figarti Vietnam figures.

Since you do not appear to collect Medieval or Vietnam I can see why this issue is of no significance to you. Others who do may have a different view and their dios appear to reflect this.

Whilst no surprise you would completely disagree with me I was merely pointing out some collectors like to be able to mix figures from different brands if they can and they would consider it an advantage to their collecting.

On one thing we do agree. FL has the best Stalingrad series^&grin

I will let you have the last response.

Regards and Happy Collecting,
Well at least we partially agree:wink2:....First Legion does have the Best Stalingrad series no doubt about that....but....Also the best WWII series, Napoleonics, Medieval/Crusaders etc.^&grin^&grin^&grin....Regards and Happy Selling.
Well here's my tuppence worth on this topic, I have a few of the new SS sets fighting along side the German Stalingrad field gun/loaders, vs. my Paras (no new historical event here):) just in a holding pattern until they (SS) are set up in a new dio, anyway the difference is so unnoticable of size that I had to pick them up, put the SS/German Stalingrad loaders under the lamp to notice a slight difference (and I do mean slight) and next to the Paras the SS units look perfect in comparison, either way, mixing those sets or not, there is hardly any difference in size in my honest and humble opinion...Sammy
Don't forget Civil War :)

Well at least we partially agree:wink2:....First Legion does have the Best Stalingrad series no doubt about that....but....Also the best WWII series, Napoleonics, Medieval/Crusaders etc.^&grin^&grin^&grin....Regards and Happy Selling.

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