Standard 39 (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Feb 5, 2010
Hoping the latest Standard is not far away, the last was May. Always a good read. Robin.
I can not wait either. It is great reading as always. I always look forward for My copy to arrive. It is a shame it only comes every quarter. Great reading for all members. :):):)
Just noticed this issue is the same number as K&C collector, so when one appears the other should not be too far away & the K&C is just been released. Robin.
My issue arrived yesterday. Some interesting articles. I liked the piece on the new US Chosin Reservoir Campaign Marine in full winter gear.
Mine was waiting for me today. My wife just smiles at my enthusiasm, but man are these great reads. I am as ever thankful to W Britain and Ken for their endless great work and tireless effort, thank you! The article on Zulu dress was an excellent read and I am still working my way through the rest of the issue.
A good intro for the WB new range "Clash of Empires" on page 3. This will be my "new range" to collect going into 2014.
:smile2: Mike
A good intro for the WB new range "Clash of Empires" on page 3. This will be my "new range" to collect going into 2014.
:smile2: Mike

I'll be curious to see how well WB's "Clash of Empires'' will match up with John Jenkins great F&I War releases.
Rec'd my copy two days ago. Very disappointed there are no ACW items released. Chris
Mine finally arrived on Friday. Good article on Zulu regalia. I enjoyed the tips from the bench piece.
One of the best issues to date. I like the new "Tips from the bench" feature. But the picture of Ken getting scalped is giving me nightmares {eek3}
Mine arrived to day, good to know it finds it's way even down under.:salute::, Robin.
Hi All,
I am glad to see that the newest issues are finding there way into collector's hands. We are already working on the next issue of the Standard and the Fall/Winter catalog and hope to continue to bring interesting content to you.
I noticed a few small typos that got by us again so we will strive to improve the next issue!

By the way if any of the club members would like to see specific topics covered in the new 'Tips from the Bench' section please feel free to contact us.
Still don't have mine yet but our mail is really slow over here. Looking forward to seeing it!


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