Star Trek v Star Wars (1 Viewer)

Your Sci-Fi Favourite?

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forgot to mention that the new doctor who series is brilliant alot better then the older stuff so that would of also got a vote from me :D
Have voted Star Wars based on the first trilogy, as I was rather disappointed with the new films!
forgot to mention that the new doctor who series is brilliant alot better then the older stuff so that would of also got a vote from me :D

Dr Who has been great in recent years,not sure about this new guy though.

What about Sci-Fi channel original movies such as Lake Placid 2 and Supergator, only watch them because I only laugh through the whole thing...


Aren't they the best?

You're probably too young to know about the old monster movie shows that every station in every big market had, usually Saturday afternoons, showing classics and not-so-classics. Usually hosted by a guy in some kind of horror getup, like a vampire, or a mad scientist.

In Philly, it was Dr. Shock. He did bad card tricks and told old vaudeville jokes in between segments of the movies and commercials. Those were great times! As a kid, that's where I saw most of the great horror or sci-fi movies, from "Dracula" and "Frankenstein", to "Godzilla" and all its spinoffs, to schlock films from the 50s and 60s.

The Sci-Fi Channel has inherited that mantle, with those horrible, horrible, straight-to-video movies filmed in Bosnia or Bulgaria, with bad CGI effects, B-list actors and D-list acting (though some well-known veteran actors are making a living in those movies, like John Rhys-Davies, Daivd Keith, Joanna Pacula and Vanessa Angel), that are so bad, you have to laugh.

They are apparently working through the medieval bestiary, with movies like "Basilisk", "Wyvern", and a griffon movie. I can't wait for "Esquilax"--"It had the teeth of a rabbit, the legs of a horse, and a basketful of terror!"

"Sabretooth", "Attack of the Sabretooth", "Dinocroc"-did you recognize Kelly McGillis in "Supergator"? I thought she was a man, until I read the credits.

Gotta love 'em! Make yourself a big bowl of popcorn and get read to laugh!

Dr Who has been great in recent years,not sure about this new guy though.


By "new guy", do you mean someone after David Tennant?

My cable company carries BBC-America, and they've shown the last three seasons of this go-round, a season with Christopher Eccleston, whom I enjoyed in the role, and Billie Piper (Mmmmmmmmmmmmm-Billie Piper, aghlghlghlghlghlghlghlghl!), and then two seasons, I think, with David Tennant. I've enjoyed both Doctors, and each of his sidekicks. Who'd have thought that Catherine Tate would have been a good sidekick, but her character is great, and she plays her well.

These seasons are as good, I think, as the Tom Baker years, in my opinion.

And what about "Primeval"? I didn't care for it at first-still can't stand Connor, he's an idiot-but I've gotten hooked. And Lucy Brown-hey now!

There are so many commericals on the sci-fi channel that even if you wanted to watch it you couldn't. And those endless self-promos which are amusing the first time make you cringe around the 30-50 viewings per movie.
By "new guy", do you mean someone after David Tennant?

My cable company carries BBC-America, and they've shown the last three seasons of this go-round, a season with Christopher Eccleston, whom I enjoyed in the role, and Billie Piper (Mmmmmmmmmmmmm-Billie Piper, aghlghlghlghlghlghlghlghl!), and then two seasons, I think, with David Tennant. I've enjoyed both Doctors, and each of his sidekicks. Who'd have thought that Catherine Tate would have been a good sidekick, but her character is great, and she plays her well.

These seasons are as good, I think, as the Tom Baker years, in my opinion.


Yes the new guy who starts as the Doctor next year,Tennant has four or five specials this year and then finishes.Billie Piper,now she was a nice sidekick indeed.

Tom was good but John Pertwee was the Doctor when i was into it as a kid,those Cybermen were scary.

Yes the new guy who starts as the Doctor next year,Tennant has four or five specials this year and then finishes.Billie Piper,now she was a nice sidekick indeed.

Tom was good but John Pertwee was the Doctor when i was into it as a kid,those Cybermen were scary.


Yes, I remember John Pertwee, too, and his Whomobile! I think our PBS station showed his last season, as the first one they picked up.

I remember one of the original movies, too, I think with Peter Cushing.

I miss Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and Sergeant Benton, too, much better than the current UNIT types.

But I always wondered why, when anyone was attacked by Daleks, they didn't just drop to the ground and crawl up to them, and tip them over.
Yes, I remember John Pertwee, too, and his Whomobile! I think our PBS station showed his last season, as the first one they picked up.

I remember one of the original movies, too, I think with Peter Cushing.

I miss Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and Sergeant Benton, too, much better than the current UNIT types.

But I always wondered why, when anyone was attacked by Daleks, they didn't just drop to the ground and crawl up to them, and tip them over.

Yes it was Peter Cushing wasn't it.Lethbridge Stewart,i'd forgotten about him,they were always tearing round in Army Land Rovers fighting foes they couldn't defeat!.

I always thought the Cybermen were scarier than the Daleks,oh and those Dress Mannequins that came to life the 'Autons'.

That is simple for me, BOTH, Babylon 5 and Firefly.:cool::D

Firefly/ Serenity? Love that show. The season is on DVD and I am watching it with a neighbor.:D

Star Trek with its multitudes of spinoffs has been my first love since the late 60's:)

Finally the latest reincarnation of Dr. Who with David Tennant is really worth watching. I am a big fan. It is hard to find but worth the effort. Early Dr Whos' used to creeep me out. Some of the others I went WTF? But Tennant is fantastic!
Starship Troopers. Classic stuff. Surprised it wasn't Oscar nominated. :)
Starship Troopers. Classic stuff. Surprised it wasn't Oscar nominated. :)
I can see why.
They're doing their part. Are you? Join the Mobile Infantry and save the world. Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more?
To Fight the Bug, you have to know the Bug. Would you like to know more?;)

Actually I was rather shocked when Denise Richards was not, ahhhh....., nominated.:)
Starship Troopers. Classic stuff. Surprised it wasn't Oscar nominated. :)

Oh, that one was absolutely awful. It was "Space: 90210". Completely ruined Heinlein's novel. But I agree with the earlier post-Denise Richards, hey now!
Oh, that one was absolutely awful. It was "Space: 90210". Completely ruined Heinlein's novel.

Don't look now but you're in for more of the same garbage this summer as Hollywood tries to reboot the ailing Star Trek franchise by turning it into "NCC-90210".
I have always much preferred Star Wars but I will give credit to Trek for traditionally trying to be more cerebral (though the result was often rather boring). This new movie though looks to throw the brain completely out the window as it desperately chases after the mass crowd of horny, young, attention-deficit suffering movie goers who usually make or break the summer box office. Does child Kirk driving an antique car off a cliff have anything to do with Star Trek - No. It looks like a movie calculatingly designed by marketing analysts in business suits to appeal to certain demographics in an attempt to restart the Trek money making train. It seems to have no artistic merit or purpose beyond that. And I have no doubt because of this it will perform very well at the box office.
I have always much preferred Star Wars but I will give credit to Trek for traditionally trying to be more cerebral (though the result was often rather boring). This new movie though looks to throw the brain completely out the window as it desperately chases after the mass crowd of horny young movie goers who make or break the summer box office. Does child Kirk driving an antique car off a cliff have anything to do with Star Trek as we know it - No. It looks like a movie calculatingly designed by marketing analysts in business suits to appeal to certain demographics in an attempt to restart the Trek money making train. It seems to have no artistic merit or purpose beyond that. And I have no doubt because of this it will perform very well at the box office.

You may be right for motivation part however I like to be entertained and I do not always seek a message. This will hopefully be a great escapist movie for me.
Message doesn't matter to me so much, I'd just like to see something I haven't seen before in a thousand other cookie-cutter Hollywood action movies - and I doubt this will be the place to find it. Hopefully the space battle(s) will be good anyway. :D

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