Hello sunyi,
Your figure is coming along fine. Well done.
Is the pigtail made of real hair ?
Best Wishes, Raymond.
Hello Raymond:
The pigtail made of 1 amp fuse, as relatives prepared a series of really braided together.
SunYi 孙屹
This is the distance that an officer standing
Hello sunyi,
Please tell who the figure in the pictures represents ie: who is the officer ?
Thank You, Raymond.
Younghusband expedition to Tibet in 1903. Wearing a white hat is the Younghusband. The officer was standing in the distance escort missions, officers do not know the name.
sunyi 孙屹
Thank you, my own sculpture techniques have some shortcomings, this I know, I will strive to raise the level of sculpture, to offer you a more excellent works.
I am currently making the standard-bearer of the mold. Two weeks to complete.
Colonel Sir Francis Younghusband