STG44's collection (10 Viewers)

Here are some Highlanders bought about the same time:


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Here are some (I believe) Scotts Guards. Some of the ones in the firing position show some bleaching of color. I am not sure why this is because the soldiers were never played with outside or washed or bleeched:


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Here are the rest of the Scotts guards. The only one that seems to have running of colors is the flagbearer. He was not subjected to any undue wear so I am not sure how this happened.


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Now it is time for some recent purchases (in the last 3 months) that I made. Given that prices are not cheap and my space is non-existent I am particular as to what I buy.

First, some picks from WWI:

From the Left, a Thomas Gunn WWI Marine and watchdog; a King & Country's Australian Lighthorseman (I was a big fan of the WWI moive Titled Lighthorsemen, which was made in the 1980s; three Britains WWI British Soldiers, and a Britains General Pershing figure:


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Next a Britains 42nd Highlander from Sudan and a US Marine from Nicaragua in the 1930s. I believe it was listed as BRITAINS MUSEUM COLLECTION 10041 U.S. MARINE BANANA WARS. I don't think the figure is made any longer. It is armed with a Thompson submachinegun with a drum magazine and another drum magazine holder on his waist:


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Finally, some figures from one of my favorite movies--The Sand Pebbles. These figures were made by King & Country and are no longer made. My favorite figure, of course is the character Jake Holman as played by Steve McQueen in the movie. He is the middle figure in the photo who is armed with a Browning Automatic Rifle.


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Now, on two WWII. Here is a picture of a pair of Britains WWII British Army Soldiers next two an American who is armed with a Browning Automatic Rifle:


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Finally, a pair of German WWII made by Britians armed with my favorite longarm, the STG44 also known as the MP44:


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Here are some more--First some Britain's Canadian Mounties. The mounted men are missing a pennant that they came with according to my research. These were bougght in the late 1960s or early 1970s:

I love your little collection of Mounties. It's nice to see them displayed quite a few years later.

I believe that Vikings with Horns on helmets was some type of creation of the Victorian age. Of course that was the image so toymakers had to go with them.

Yes, I heard that it was when German nationalism was beginning and they started co-opting Viking heritage to be their own. Some German tribes did used adorn their helmets.

It is like 1856 when it is first depicted, and then Wagner had it in his operas and that was all it took.
I bought myself an old childhood castle for nostalgia sake. It took quite a bit of work to identify it and then find it on Ebay.

It is just a childhood toy castle. It isn't tactically correct lacking corner towers or a gatehouse, and the size is a tad too small to accommodate the 54mm Britain's Scots guards that I posed with it. The Newer Britains figures that are about 1/30 scale or 60mm are actually a bit too large for it. They can still be posed enjoyably as long as one realizes that this does not represent an actual castle.

Anyway, here it is. Merry Christmas everyone.


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And here the castle with some more contemporarily made Britains, Thomas Gunn, and King & Country figures:


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Back to some older Britains that I had. I dug these out of a box in my closet due to space limitations in my home.

I believe I bought a box of them in blue uniforms and a box in red uniforms in Madison square garden in NYC in the late 1960s.

At the time the Queens Guards came to town and put on a show with horsemanship and some other physical activities. I was about 5 so I barely remember. But I do remember them selling these in boxes at the show. Whoever took me bought me one in red and one in blue. After I took the pictures and repacked and restored everything I realized that the pictures of the ones in red did not come out well. So I am posting the one in blue:


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Here is some pictures of Britains Marines in dress uniforms. The three on the left are supposed to be US Marines, while the ones on the right in helmets are supposed to be British Marines:


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Here are some Britain's French Foreign Legion soldiers. I think I have about 50% more than shown in this photo, but this is the number fit well together. The ones not shown had the same basic poses as those chosen for the photo. The Gattling gun and two attached soldiers in the middle was sold separately. I believe the Gattling gun came with several different types of soldiers from some different time periods with the same set-up.


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And of course, what would the French Foreign Legion be without Arabs to fight. I believe some of the French Foreign Legion came in a box that was half French Foreign Legion and half Arabs. Below are the pictures of the Arabs that came with them.


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Wow, this is getting long. I have almost all of my soldiers posted. Keep in mind that the Britain's painted plastic solders were bought when I was a kid between 5 and 13 or so years old back in the 1960s and 1970s and held onto and packed away.

Here are some Britain's Detail WWII US soldiers that came in a box with some WWII German soldiers. I have a few more of them than illustrated in this picture, but these are all of the poses, and this seemed like the max number I could fit in the photo given my display options and being able to focus on them well enough to catch the details.


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Next comes the Germans that came in a large mixed box:


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Here is a picture of a mixed box that I found someplace on my computer. These were Britain's Detail.

In this box it is British and German Soldiers, unlike mine which was German and US soldiers

britainsdetail Allied and Axis.jpg

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