Studio Barneywomble - French WW2 Village (1 Viewer)


Dec 29, 2012
Hi Fellow Diorama Makers...

Here is a sneek peak at my next project... a small French village during ww2. It measures 1200mm long x 600mm wide. The buildings are a mixture of Royal and Verlinden plaster kits and I have scratch built and weather flooring for them.


Looking fine Marc, solved the problem of uploading pics I see......:wink2:
Looking fine Marc, solved the problem of uploading pics I see......:wink2:

Hi Wayne... NO the uploading pics problem STILL exists... I have been FORCED to use Microsoft's Internet Explorer to upload as there appears to be some problem with Chrome. Anyway rather play toy soldiers than fight with the computer... {sm4}

Some more photo updates... ^&grin I have scratch built the telegraph poles using dowel (dinted up with a small ball peen hammer) and cross braces from balsa... The insulators are just plastic sprue filed to shape... The rubble is my own home made secret custom blend... ^&grin. The pieces of tin (roofing iron) is almost perfect 1/30 scale real corrugated iron which I have weathered using good old dry brushing and washing. Some close up pics to follow... Any advice or ideas great appreciated... ^&grin


Some close up action to check the detail... it's all in the detail... ^&grin


Great work, to say the least. Give up on Chrome :wink2:
Awesome Marc! Pop the dio in the back seat of your car when you come up my way fishing ok! {sm4}

Very excellent dio You have there. You are very talented. Keep up the great work and keep Us posted on more progress. Thanks {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Yes Marc, please don't stop posting these great pic's mate!! Simply awesome, love what ya doing.{sm4}
Meant to ask you the other day where did you come by the tin? The dio is top notch mate :salute::
This little town it seems, is rising out of the ground. A nice collection of buildings being used and yes the detailed effects are excellent.:salute::, Robin.
Meant to ask you the other day where did you come by the tin? The dio is top notch mate :salute::

hi Wayne, I got the tin about a year ago from some bloke, i think i bought some other stuff but cannot remember. I bought a fair bit of it and weather it myself. I did have intentions to do up packets of 10 sheets for about $10 and sell on ebay to other diorama builders. I have given Martin about 20 sheets for the WW1 Diorama all weathered and I gave Brett a few sample sheets...

Hello to everyone...:)

It looks like the last of the French villages are leaving... I guess you cannot blame them as the German bombardment from a Tiger and Panzer IV was quite devastating... A German officer appears to keep an eye on the fleeing refugees... intelligence in the sector has reported Free French Fighters in the area causing havoc to the Germans...

All the best

French Village - FOB062 - 01s.jpgFrench Village - FOB062 - 03s.jpgFrench Village - 01s.jpg
Re: Studio Barneywomble - French WW2 Village - FFI

Hello fellow Diorama Makers....

It appears the German Intel was correct and Free French Infantry have planned a small ambush for the German invaders...


French Village - FFI - 06s.jpgFrench Village - FFI - 07s.jpgFrench Village - FFI - 14s.jpgFrench Village - FFI - 08s.jpgFrench Village - FFI - 04s.jpg
Very good Marc, not aware of seeing these figures being used in a diorama before. They come up well, like the guy on the primer, something's about to go up in smoke^&grin, well done. Robin.
Very good Marc, not aware of seeing these figures being used in a diorama before. They come up well, like the guy on the primer, something's about to go up in smoke^&grin, well done. Robin.

Hi Robin, Yes the FFI sets are great, very animated and each one entirely different. I only have 2 of the 3 sets released so I might get the other one just so I have all three.

hi Wayne, I got the tin about a year ago from some bloke, i think i bought some other stuff but cannot remember. I bought a fair bit of it and weather it myself. I did have intentions to do up packets of 10 sheets for about $10 and sell on ebay to other diorama builders. I have given Martin about 20 sheets for the WW1 Diorama all weathered and I gave Brett a few sample sheets...

Ta mate, we have put it to good use already.
Not only can you snap a pic or two you are wiz on the dio or three aswell...... :salute::

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