Me too . . . . I have thought that Eva Green would be good opposite Tom Hardy in this . . . .
:smile2: Mike
Of course I'm enjoying it, Hardy' character is pretty dark, I suspect born of an indian witch Mom, educated in African black arts and a 2 ton lump on his shoulder. But Hollywood has a way of making that all very understandable if not innocent. Love the gruby, ugly, cinematogrophy of the era.
The story has covered the full realm of the world and could go any direction America, British Columbia, France, China, Africa?. With quality production supplied by Ridley Scott productions the skys the limit?!
The main character sure does a lot of walking about with an "ominous gait." This show has the feel of Penny Dreadful meets Black Sails.
one thing I enjoy about the show...
I read Hardy lost £2 Million. Thank you very Tom.
"Despite the financial losses, Taboo has been generally well-received by critics and audiences since its premiere, pulling in over 4 million viewers on the BBC for its January 14 episode."
I guess he needs to sell more commercials ........
The Honourable East India Company didn't fare too well against James. Great episode. Can only hope there are more to follow. I enjoyed the season and one of the reasons was the dark atmosphere and the entirely grubby streets of London. Now, on to the grubby streets of 19th century America, if that's where they are headed. -- Al