Taking Photos??? (1 Viewer)

Here's one ot the typical set ups I use when creating my photo dioramas. My camera is HP's photosmart camera R707 5.1 MP with a 24x total zoom I purchased back in 2005. I've taken better than 90% of my photos using natural lighting with the balance taken in the evenings with overhead lighting with some lighting from time to time with the lamp shown. My photos are taken with my camera set on it's MARCO mode with a no flash setting. You'll note my make shift tripods along with my recently purchased tripod an they're sitting where I would place my camera to take my photos.
I'll take more than one photo an as may as ten without moving my camera. I'll then screen the photos cropping the photos that I feel need cropping to give me the end results I'm looking for. I can create 2 to 4 different photos from the same sitting. The Lamp appearing in the photo is by SOLAREX which can provide a sunshine indoor effect. I've been vey happy with the results of my photos an my camera as well as the figures play an imprortant part in my photos.........The Lt.



A few photos from the results of my photo shoot...........The Lt.



Very nice and thank you for the advice. What is your source for backdrops and mats?
Thanks for the tips and step by steps gentlemen much appreciated. It is nice to see how others work and what results they get.
We see these photo's and admire them each day but, this really shows what goes into it. Amazing its a lot harder than I thought and, I remain and point and press man. Must get better
Very nice and thank you for the advice. What is your source for backdrops and mats?

Tommy the backdrop in the photos is JG Miniatures JGP01 Scrubland Poster it's 36"x12" and can be order from Treefrog priced at $22.00. I've acquired a number of photos from the internet which I've made 8x10 copies of and others from fellow members of the forum. The mat featured is a gift from Michael Miller an I'm sure he'll be more than happy to give you advise on how to make one. I also have others I use from time to time. One's another gift from Tim aka Fish another I bought at Jo-Ann fabrics and in the begining an from time to time mats from LEMAX.......The Lt.
Tommy the backdrop in the photos is JG Miniatures JGP01 Scrubland Poster it's 36"x12" and can be order from Treefrog priced at $22.00. I've acquired a number of photos from the internet which I've made 8x10 copies of and others from fellow members of the forum. The mat featured is a gift from Michael Miller an I'm sure he'll be more than happy to give you advise on how to make one. I also have others I use from time to time. One's another gift from Tim aka Fish another I bought at Jo-Ann fabrics and in the begining an from time to time mats from LEMAX.......The Lt.
Thanks so much for your help.
Thank you all for sharing your knowledge and experience. I am just starting to photograph my collection and dioramas and the photos just don't measure up. This info will surely help. Thanks, Dan.

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