Taking shelter for the night (1 Viewer)


Feb 11, 2010
Remember my scratch built German barn, well here it is set in its dio .
Soldiers belonging to the 7th US Armored Division camouflage their tank -for the night- in a German barn on their way to the town of Giessen (Ruhr)
Note all soldiers are wearing the "Lucky seventh" sleeve patch.
The hutch is empty, so again K-rations tonight. All soldiers have been repainted and weathered and so has the Chaffee ( see earlier thread)
The Chaffee is reversing into the barn. One soldier is giving directions " a bit more to the right"
Another one is shouting " mind your head " to the tank commander "What" answers the tank commander " Your head" the soldier with the cigarette repeats .( did you spot his empty packet of "Camel " cigarettes on the ground ? )
Here are a few pics , will post more tomorrow. Hope you like





Guy, I really like this one. You have done a terrific job on the repaints of the figures and the Chaffee. The barn is very nice and the overall scene really works well with the tank backing up into the barn. Well done.
Excellent detail and positioning of figures. Exceptional lighting to capture the feeling of evening in several of the photos and if one looks at all the photos there is a variation in light that suggests movement (the gradual darkening as if the photos were taken over a period of several minutes while the tank was maneuvering)

Wonderful detail and theme Guy, the rustic barn is superb, along with all the other bits and pieces, plus lighting and backdrop! A joy to view, thanks for sharing.{sm3}
Remember my scratch built German barn, well here it is set in its dio .
Soldiers belonging to the 7th US Armored Division camouflage their tank -for the night- in a German barn on their way to the town of Giessen (Ruhr)
Note all soldiers are wearing the "Lucky seventh" sleeve patch.
The hutch is empty, so again K-rations tonight. All soldiers have been repainted and weathered and so has the Chaffee ( see earlier thread)
The Chaffee is reversing into the barn. One soldier is giving directions " a bit more to the right"
Another one is shouting " mind your head " to the tank commander "What" answers the tank commander " Your head" the soldier with the cigarette repeats .( did you spot his empty packet of "Camel " cigarettes on the ground ? )
Here are a few pics , will post more tomorrow. Hope you like

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Your description and dio are awesome, but reminded me of an almost tragic scene. My brother-in-law (we married sisters) are close in age and get along great. The family was at a beach getaway where a friend has a very old fire engine (1920s or 1930s) that he drove us around the community. Kevin (bro-in-law) and I were in the back and zipping around about 20 feet off the ground. As we approached the main building the friend/driver stopped to let me jump out, before speeding off. Kevin was looking the wrong way so I yelled "Look out" as he headed towards the overhang protruding from the main building. Instead of looking where I was pointing he looked at me and appeared to have his head slam into the overhang similar to your tank commander. Very scary for a few minutes, but he only got a scratch and no sign of concussion. To this day it seems a miracle that he is totally OK. He thinks he saw it just in time and was moving in the opposite direction so he received a glancing blow rather than a more serious one. From our perspective it was a pretty serious collision.

Very realistic dio!
Your attention to detail is amazing Guy. This is very talented work and you can see a lot of patience is required to produce this bit of art work.:salute::, Robin.
Guy, The weathering on the wood on the barn looks amazing. Very realistic looking scene ! :salute::
Guy...fantastic job...especially the results on the wood...very nice!


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Looks like the G.I.'s have cooked up all the chooks as the pens are all empty! {sm2}{sm4}

Excellent dio Guy and the attention to detail on everything that you done (including the chook pens) is outstanding!

Thanks guys for all the many likes and the nice comments.
Started working already on my next dio: an airfield scene in the UK

Great figure placement and interaction with the buildings, tanks etc. You captured the scene perfectly.

I wanted to show the detail of the back of the barn.

Your modelling skills and attention to detail are truly on show and what makes its a great display.


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